国际商务英语 Chapter 8 acceptance.ppt

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国际商务英语 Chapter 8 acceptance

Chapter 6 Acceptance Orders Initial Orders Repeat Orders Duplicate Orders Place and Confirm an Order Contents of a Sales Contract or Confirmation Fill in a Contract in English Writing Steps A satisfactory reply to the order will include : Specimen Letter 1 Language Points Language Points Language Points Language Points Language Points the validity of the L/C 信用证的有效期 Language Points order n. 订单 Language Points to withdraw an order 取消订单 to turn down an order 拒绝订单 to decline an order 谢绝订单 to fulfill an order 执行订单 to execute an order 履行订单 to carry out an order 执行订单 Language Points 假如你方价格可行,我们将向你方试购80箱红茶。 Analyzing the Letter Paragraph One: the opening sentence of the letter (the reason) Paragraph Two: making a request for Purchase Confirmation Paragraph Three: informing the exporter of opening L/C Paragraph Four: giving the hints Comments: for bids and analyzes the present market condition. Chinese version of the letter 执事先生: 感谢你方6月20日来信对我要求降价5%的迅速答复,由于您的通力合作,我们现确认按你方修改的价格与你达成交易如下: 三十公吨苦杏仁,每公吨1750美元成本加运费青岛,装运期为8月份。 随函附上我方第369号购货确认书一式两份,请查收。请尽快签名并退回一份以供我方存档。 我们正安排由瑞典的中国银行开立相关的信用证,一经开出即传真通知你方。 由于我们急需此货,我们认为有必要重申在信用证有效期内按时装运的重要性,装运方面的任何延误都将给我们以后的交易带来损失。 谨上, Specimen Letter 2 Gentlemen: We have received your letter of April 16 and regret that our counteroffer was refused. As your product “bed sheets” is very much appreciated to our local customers and there is a high demand at our market, we are very desirous of concluding this transaction with you, for the purpose of strengthening our friendship and cooperation, we agree to accept your offer: Bed Sheets US$19.99 per piece CIF Karachi with an order of 500 dozen. We are very much pleased to have been able to transacted this order with you after exchange letters in the past two months and we are now looking forward to your sales confirmation for this order so as to enable us to open the L/C duly


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