国概 Chapter9 History.ppt

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国概 Chapter9 History

Chapter 9 History ——By 陈小惠 陈海霞 The Contents 1、The War of Independence 2、The Civil War 3、America in the 20th Century 4、America in the 21st Century 5、Exercises in the Textbook 6、Exercises of TEM8 1、The War of Independence Causes: ① In 1763, the Seven Years War(1754-1763)ended, although Britain won the battle,it also accumulated a large dept. To help pay of the dept, Britain turned to the colonies to generate revenue and in so doing they came into conflict with the interest of the colonies. ② On the night of Dec. 16th, 1773, the Boston Tea Party made the British government irritated. The British government decided to punish one colony, but the Acts alarmed all other colonies. Contrary to Britains expectation, the Intolerable Acts became a driving force in uniting the 13colonies. ③ In May 1775, the Second Continental Congress was held Philadelphia and acted as a provisional government of the 13 colony-states. By May 15, the Congress voted to go to war. 1、The War of Independence The Development : ① On April 19,1775, some British soldiers were sent to Concord to search for weapons and rebellious colonists. When the troops reached Lexington at dawn, they encountered militiamen. Fighting broke out and the first shots in the American War of Independence were fired. ② On July 4, 1776, Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration presented a public defense of the American War of Independence. ③ At first, the war went badly for the Americans until the Americans won a great victory at Saratoga, which was the turning point of the war. 1、The War of Independence The Development: ④ In 1781, the Americans won a decisive vitory at Yorktown. ⑤ On October 19, 1781, the British soldiers were forced to surrender. ⑥ In 1783, the British and the Americans signed the Treaty of Paris (《巴黎条约》),and the United States of America won its independence. 2、The Civil War The American Civil War is sometimes called the War Between the States, the War of Rebellion, o


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