国际商务谈判 第三章.ppt

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国际商务谈判 第三章

Chapter 3 Preparation ; “Sorry Mr. Smith, as your accountant, I haven’t prepared for this negotiation.”;I. Collecting Information; “It would be absolutely disastrous for us to go into negotiation not knowing in advance what the other side was going to propose ---Henry Kissinger 基辛格 (Former US Secretary of State) ; Knowledge is power and the more knowledge one side is able to accumulate about the other, the better chance that side has for victory. ;Without information we risk our proposals being aimless, possibly landing anywhere With information we have an increased likelihood our proposals will hit the bulls eye;1. Functions ;2. Main contents of information gathering ;(2) Negotiation representatives ① Types of the merchant CASE: A neat freak ② Deadlines CASE: Trade fair ③ Know the other party’s degree of trust on us ;④ To evaluate your counterpart’s actual power in negotiation. Importance of the contents of the deal. Degree of satisfaction. Competitive environment in two parties Information gathering of a certain industry/ line. Reputations and influences Their reactions to timing Tactics and strategies in negotiation. ;Sources of Power in Negotiations;;b. Reward power 奖赏力 Anytime you perceive someone is able to reward you, you have given them the power to intimidate恫吓 you.--- this feeing is entirely subjective. You are the best in the business, they can’t do any better than you. If you are willing to put your personal reputation and expertise on the line to solve that buyer’s problems, they are not rewarding you, you are rewarding them. When you surely believe that you are rewarding the buyer not the other way on the round, you’ll feel confident and demanding all the business. ;;c. Coercive power [?k?u′?:siv?] 威胁力,强迫力 Anytime you perceive someone is able to punish you, they have power to intimidate you. One of the strongest punishment we know is the power to embar


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