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Summary: Passive Voice 情景运用:动作不是主语所做,主语是承受者 基本结构: be + done(过去分词) eg. Flowers should be watered every day. 注意:1.不同时态不同形式; 2.need doing= need to be done, 类似的还有allow等少数动词。 1.They make shoes in that factory. 主语+及物动词+宾语 Shoes are made (by them) in that factory. S(主语)+am/is /are +过去分词 各种时态的被动语态构成 一般现在时: 一般过去时: 一般将来时: 情态动词: 过去进行时 现在完成时: S+ am/is /are + done S+ will + be + done S+ was/were + being+ done S+ have/has + been+ done S+ was/were + done 各种时态的被动语态构成 S+can/may/must/should+be+done exercises: [1]. Now English ____ by more and more people all over the word. A. speaks B. is spoken C. was spoken 一般现在时的被动语态: am / is / are + PP [2]. The lost boy ____ at the street corner last night. A. was found B. is found C. was looked for 一般过去时的被动语态: was / were + PP exercises: [3]. More man-made satellites ____ in the future. A. will send up B. will be sent up C. are sent up 一般将来时的被动语态: will + be + PP be going to + be + PP exercises: davinsu@ 苏淡煌 2014年6月于南城中学 Passive Voice(被动语态) Micro Course 授课教师:苏淡煌 学校:东莞市南城中学 此处插入经压缩后的授课教师照片,大小不能超出此相框 Big big wolf often beats the goats. Sometimes,Big big wolf is beaten by the goats. Passive Voice What is Passive Voice ? Big big wolf cooked lazy goat for dinner. Big big wolf was cooked for dinner by Red red wolf. Passive Voice What is Passive Voice ? Pattern of Passive Voice: Be + done(过去分词) How do we understand passive voice? When the Subject(主语) didn’t do anything, but object or sb. else did it. They will build a new bridge over the river. A new bridge will be built over the river. How to transform a sentence into(变成) Passive voice? His brother washes bowls every day 主 谓 宾(受动者) Bowls are washed by his brother every day. 改为被动语态


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