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autocad 快捷方式大全捷梯教育(国外英语资料)
autocad 快捷方式大全捷梯教育(国外英语资料)
Tags: Campus
F1: get help
F2: realize graphics window and text window switching
F3: controls whether objects are caught automatically
F4: digitizer control
F5: isometric plane switching
F6: controls how the coordinates are displayed on the status line
F7: raster display mode control
F8: orthogonal mode control
F9: grid capture mode control
F10: polar axis mode control
F11: object tracking control
Ctrl+B: grid capture mode control (F9)
Just looked at it
Dra: radius callout
Ddi: diameter callout
Dal: align callout
Dan: angle callout
Ctrl+C: copies the selected object to the clipboard
Does Ctrl+F: control achieve object auto capture (F3)?
Ctrl+G: raster display mode control (F7)
Ctrl+J: repeats the previous command
Ctrl+K: hyperlink
Ctrl+N: new graphics file
Ctrl+M: open options dialog box
AA: measures area and perimeter (area)
AL: alignment (align)
AR: array (array)
AP: loads the *lsp system
AV: opens the View dialog box (dsviewer)
SE: opens the automatic capture dialog box
ST: opens the font settings dialog box (style)
SO: draws two sides (2D, solid)
SP: Pinyin check (spell)
SC: scaling ratio (scale)
SN: raster capture mode setting (SNAP)
DT: text settings (dtext)
DI: measures the distance between two points
OI: insert external alignment
Ctrl+1: open features dialog box
Ctrl+2: opens the image Explorer
Ctrl+6: opens the image data atom
Ctrl+O: opens the image file
Ctrl+P: opens the print to say box
Ctrl+S: saves files
Ctrl+U: polar axis mode control (F10)
Ctrl+v: paste the contents on the clipboard
Ctrl+W: object tracking control (F11)
Ctrl+X: cut the selected content
Ctrl+Y: redo
Ctrl+Z: cancels the previous step
A: draw arc
B: definition block
C: draw circles
D: size Explorer
E: delete
F: fillet
G: pair combination
H: fill
I: insertion
S: stretch
T: text entry
W: define blocks and save them to the hard disk
L: straight line
M: Mobile
X: blow up
V: sets the current coordinates
U: restores last operation
O: offset
P: Mobile
Z: zoom
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