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pic系列指令(国外英语资料) Description: the instruction is simple, in which W is the working register of the PIC microcontroller, equivalent to the MCS 51 series microcontroller in the accumulator A, CLR is the acronym for English Clear. 2. The watchdog timer reset command. Example: CLRWDT; watchdog timer cleared (if assigned, clearing prescaler at the same time) Explanation: WDT is the acronym for English Watchdog Timer. CLR see the above instructions. Note that the two instructions have no operands. 3. Register f reset command. Instruction format: CLRF f Example: CLRF TMRO; cleared TMRO Description: in the PIC series of 8 bit microcontroller, the commonly used symbol F (or F) represents the various F address and the serial number of the address. F value is different according to PIC series of different models, generally Ox00 to Ox1F/7F/FF. TMRO stands for the timer / counter TMRO, so the CLRF is cleared of the scheduler, and a direct addressing method is used to give the register TMRO to be accessed directly. 4. A clear command. Instruction format BCF, F, B Example: BCF REG1, 2; clears the D2 bits of the register REG1 Explanation: BCF is the abbreviation of English Bit Clear F. The F in the instruction format is as follows. The symbol B is the bit number (or bit address) that represents a certain 8 bit data register PIC in the F chip, so the value of B is 0~7 or D0 to D7. In example, REG is the abbreviation of Register. The 2 in the instance represents the b=2 in the instruction format, the D2 bit of the register REG1. Through the above four clear instruction format and examples, can show the study of the PIC series of 8 bit MCU instruction should first understand the instruction mnemonic meaning (function), then there is its way of expression. There is no need to memorize important instructions for beginners, understanding and practice. Three 、 instructions for byte, constant, and control operations 1. Send immediately number to register W work instruction Instruction form


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