托福写作独立作文PART 1.ppt

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托福写作独立作文PART 1

托福写作 ----独立作文 讲义lesson planning 教学内容 一、独立作文写作介绍 二、独立写作的题型分类 三、作业 (一)分类单词 (二)作文素材 一、独立作文写作介绍 (一)、简介 独立写作 形式: 议论文 内容: 对议题发表看法 分数权重: 1/2 时间要求: 30分钟 字数要求:至少300词 (二)写作基本知识 1. 无需标题 2. 标点符号前不空格,后空格 3. 段落行式:空行式 (三)托福写作圣经: 写作第一要务是把观点表达清楚 写作考试不基于考生的真是身份 写作不测试考生的真实想法 写作是基于表达,而不是基于翻译 写作的内容和语言同等重要 观点的层次比观点的数量更重要 逻辑错误比语法错误更重要 跑题你就完蛋了 二、独立写作的三大主要题型 描述解释型 比较对比型 二选一型 (一)描述解释型 判断一道作文题是否属于“描述解释型”可以看题目中是否包含下列词汇: Describe, explain, identify, why , reason, cause , what , how 等。 看以下ETS题库中的例题: 1.Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. Why do some students study abroad? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.(168题) 2. In general , people are living longer now. discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.(21题) 3. what are some of the qualities of a good parents? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.(179题) (一)描述解释型写作思路及范文 第一段:引言 1. 明确话题 2. 给出主题陈述(段末) 第二段:讨论话题第一点 1. 分论点一(段落主题句) 2. 例证一 第三段:讨论话题第二点 分论点二(段落主题句) 例证二 第四段:讨论话题第三点 分论点三(段落主题句) 例证三 末段:结论 复述主题陈述 总结几个分论点 In general, people are living longer now. discuss the causes of this phenomenon . Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay 思路整理: 第一段:引言 It is reported that people in most parts of the world have a longer life expectancy than in the past. This is especially true of developing countries where people enjoy increasingly higher living standards. A few factors contribute to this phenomenon(主题陈述). para. 2 first , availability of basic health care ----- live longer. eg. More doctor medicine for common disease Para. 3 (第三段) second, advances in medicine –live longer Eg. Vaccines against some epidemics medicine—prolong patients lives. para 4. third, increasing awareness of health –live longer. Eg. Regular exercise and change of living habits. In conclusion, given that …….therefore, I reinforce my standpoint ……. (二)比较对比型写作思路 判断一道作文题是否属于比较对


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