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吸烟者问题-problem statement 3 supplier processes: X: supplies tobacco and match; Y: supplies match and wrapper; Z: supplies wrapper and tobacco. 3 smoker processes: A: possess tobacco; B: possess match; C: possess wrapper. (1) only one of X,Y,Z can supply at a time; (2) X,Y,Z can proceed only after consumption. * Traditional semaphore: Var t,m,w,s:semaphore; (0,0,0,1) Process X process Y process Z P(s); P(s); P(s); V(t); V(m); V(w); V(m); V(w); V(t); Process A Process B process C P(m); P(w); P(t); P(w); P(t); P(m); smoke; smoke; smoke; V(s); V(s); V(s); * Simultaneous P-operation Heres the code for the agent process. 1 do forever { 2 P( lock ); 3 randNum = rand( 1, 3 ); // Pick a random number from 1-3 4 if ( randNum == 1 ) { 5 // Put tobacco on table 6 // Put paper on table 7 V( smoker_match ); // Wake up smoker with match 8 } else if ( randNum == 2 ) { 9 // Put tobacco on table 10 // Put match on table 11 V( smoker_paper ); // Wake up smoker with paper 12 } else { 13 // Put match on table 14 // Put paper on table 15 V( smoker_tobacco ); } // Wake up smoker with tobacco 16 V( lock ); 17 P( agent ); // Agent sleeps 18 } // end forever loop * Simultaneous P-operation give code to one of the smokers. The others are analogous. 1 do forever { 2 P( smoker_tobacco ); // Sleep right away 3 P( lock ); 4 // Pick up match 5 // Pick up paper 6 V( agent ); 7 V( lock ); 8 // Smoke (but dont inhale). 9 } * Simultaneous P-operation The smoker immediately sle


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