改错专题课件coherence in proof-reading (邱老师,32张ppt).ppt

改错专题课件coherence in proof-reading (邱老师,32张ppt).ppt

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改错专题课件coherence in proof-reading (邱老师,32张ppt)

Daily Practice : Translation 蔡老师,我们的物理老师,为人和蔼、耐心又负责任。他的课生动有趣。他认真备课,对学生严格要求。我以前物理学得不好,但是在老师的帮助下,我已经取得了较大的进步。蔡老师不仅是我们的老师也是我们的朋友。 避免母语干扰 固定搭配 完整性 一致性 Task 1 Coherence in the sentences Group Learning Discuss,match the mistakes with types of coherence and find the tips Types of coherence 指代一致 词性一致 时态一致 主谓一致 Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 Sentence 4 Sentence 5 Sentence 6 Sentence 7 Sentence 8 Sentence 9 Analyze the mistakes and find the type of coherence and the tips Tips 5 上下文逻辑关系的一致。 but,and,or等的使用。 冠词(an/ a 与the)的混用 重点在连词,肯定与否定等。 Task 2 Coherence in the passage My dream school starts at 8:30 a. m and ends at 3:30 p. m. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to do so much homework. However, we have more time for after-school activities. For example, we can do reading for one and a half hours and play sports for one hour every day. My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. They can lie on the grass for a rest, or sit by the lake listening to music. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.(5mistakes) Extension apply coherence to writing Daily Practice Mr. Cai, our physics teacher, is kind, patient and responsible. He always makes his classes lively and interesting. He prepares his lessons well and is strict with us. I used to be poor in physics in the past. But with the help of Mr. Cai, I have made great progress. Mr. Cai is not only our teacher but also our friend. Homework 1. Review what we have learnt today 2. Check your translation and correct the mistakes by yourself 3. Finish a proof reading exercise * Coherence in Proof-reading 下蓬中学 邱洁丽 Characteristics Steps The right signs Q1: How to do proof reading? 短文改错多选用100词左右的记叙文和应用文,话题贴近生活,浅显易懂,无超纲的词汇,句子结构较简单。此题型意在从词法、句法和行文逻辑角度考察考生在语篇中综合运用英语的能力,同时兼顾句型结构、习惯搭配等。 考生平时在书面表达中常出现的错误就是短文改错考查的重点。 Characteristics 改错题型特点 Steps Sk


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