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教育技术学新进展;Positive trends Instructional technologists are becoming more eclectic in the philosophies (objectivism,behaviorism,constructivism,postmodernism) form which they base their instructional design and development.No longer rigidly adhering to a single ideology,they draw from what is best for the given situation,learner and content. This trend is having beneficial trends on the fileld and on learning.It will likely be long-lived(Anglin,1995,pp.34-59); Distance education will continue to grow in accpectance,use and quality.The benefits of distance education are well-known:delivery of education/training to large numbers of geographically separated learners,long-term cost-saving (economies of scale),reproducible material, better prepared material,use of master teacher,individualized instruction,learn at your own pace and just-in-tine training(Anglin,1995,pp.34-59).;Negative Trends In Trends Is Educational technology(1991),Donald Ely described some negative trends during the development of the filed: Evaluation is valued but infrequently used,Almost every instructional development modelincludes evalution,yet there is not much evidence that it is widely used in practice.Evaluations of products,such as computer software,are published regularly,but evaluation of the instructional development process seem to get lost in the rush to implement a newly developed course.It seems that the “trouble”of evaluation provides an excuse for moving ahead without much data regarding the products and processes developed.Most professional education programs preparing educational technologists do not offer a separate course in evaluation.Thec concept and procedures are incorporated into other courses,but they tend to have a minor place in the entire professional education curriculum (Anglin,1995,pp.34-59);消极趋势 在《教育技术发展趋势》一书中,唐纳德伊利在这个领域描述了一些消极的发展趋势: 评价是有价值的,但并非经常被使用。几乎每一个教学发展模式包括评估,但却很少有证据表明它被广泛应用于实践。教育产品,如计算机软件,经常被出版,但评估教学发展过程似乎迷失在急于实施一个新近的开发过程之中。评价中的“麻烦”为即便没有太多的


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