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Reverse transcription Central dogma 中心法则 转录前调控 (二)基因表达的调控 转录水平的调控 转录后调控 翻译水平的调控 翻译后修饰 DNA methylation Histone modification 转录前调控 转录水平的调控 转录后调控 翻译水平的调控 翻译后修饰 蛋白质加工:糖基化 水解 acetylation, methylation, phosphoryation, ubiquitination, sumoylation, ribosylation * Changes in domain structure upon zymogen activation. (a) Domain arrangement of the FXI zymogen, based on the crystal structure of Papagrigoriou et al. (7). The A4 domain (green) mediating dimerization and the three other apple domains are shown in ribbon representation. The two catalytic domains (gray, space-filling) are connected to the A4 domain via an extended loop (red, residues 354–362). (b) A model representing one of the possible conformations of the catalytic and A4 domains in FXIa triggered by formation of a second α-helix at the C terminus of the A4 domain (red). Upon cleavage of the R369-I370 bond (orange), the 362–482 disulfide bond (yellow) is the only covalent link between the pair of catalytic domains and A4 domains. Residues in the active-site cleft are colored magenta. 第一节 遗传的分子基础 第四章 生命的遗传与变异 INTRODUCTION TO GENETICS 第二节 遗传的细胞基础 第三节 遗传的基本规律 第四节 遗传与人类疾病 三、断裂基因的基本结构 Gene structure 基因 gene: 合成一条多肽链或RNA分子的一段DNA序列。 蛋白质基因 RNA基因 具有特定功能的一段DNA序列。 *断裂基因 split gene 外显子 exon DNA转录后保留在成熟RNA(mRNA)中的DNA序列 外显子之间的非编码DNA序列 内含子 intron 侧翼序列 regulator sequence 基因内的编码序列 1、外显子 exon 内含子 intron 断裂基因 split gene E1 E2 E3 I1 I2 5’ 3’ GT AG GT-AG法则 转录 加工 编码序列 断裂基因 split gene E1 E2 E3 I1 I2 5’ 3’ GT AG 2、侧翼序列 regulator sequence Transcription start sites Transcription stop sites 启动子 promoter 增强子 enhancer 终止子 terminator 断裂基因 split gene 2、侧翼序列 regulator sequence E1 E2 E3 I1 I2 5’ 3’ GT AG Transcription start sites Transcription stop sites -20 -70 +1 TATA box CAAT box GC box 启动子 promoter 增强子 enhancer 终止子 terminator TATAAAA GCCAATCT GGGCGG CCGCCC E1 E2 E3 I1 I2 5’ 3’ GT AG Transcription start sites Transcription stop sites TATA box CAAT box GC box -20 -70 +1 enhancer


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