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Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn’t see or hear. Helen Keller 《Three days to see》 “ I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joy of sound.” “我经常想,如果每个人在年轻得时候都有几天失明失聪,也不为一件幸事。黑暗将使他更加感激光明,寂静将告诉他声音得美妙。” Helen Keller Q1: Where was she born? She was born in the US. Q2: When was she born? She was born in 1880. Q3: What couldn’t she do? She couldn’t see or hear. Read the first dialogue and answer the questions. Who helped Helen to learn? How did the teacher teach Helen? 视频 Listen and read the second dialogue。 Helen Keller learned to ___ ,___ and . She wrote a about herself. She travelled ______ the world. And she lived to be . She is a _________for blind people, and also for you and me. read write book all over 87 Read the third and last dialogue and fill in the blanks: speak role model couldn’t could speak read write see hear Retell the story born couldn’t drew learnt wrote travelled role model Thomas Edison The deaf inventor: Thomas Edison Thomas Edison was born in America in 1847. He couldn’t hear, but he invented(发明) many things. Such as light bulb(灯泡), phonograph(留声机),movie projector(电影放映机)…He was called “father of the light”. Light bulb phonograph movie projector Qian Shou Guanyin When they were young, they became deaf and dumb(哑的). They can’t hear or speak. But they love dancing. They learned to dance hardly. They can dance very well. 视频 Models for us Helen Keller Thomas Edison Qianshou Guanyin Hawking Liu Wei Zhang Haidi 一切皆有可能! 永不放弃! 你能成功!


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