新概念2 L26.ppt

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新概念2 L26

Compound Sentence and, but, so, yet, or, both…and, neither…nor, either…or, not only… but (also)…as well 我和Tom都来自英国。 Both Tom and I come from England. 不但他们,而且John也已经通过考试了。 Not only they but also John has passed the exam. 我既不讲英语也不讲中文。 I speak neither English nor Chinese. 要么你去,要么我去。 Either you or I will go there. 中考链接 We just need one of you for the game. ____ you ____ your brother can join us. (2012淮安) A. Both…and B. Neither…or C. Either…or D. Not only…but also My room is small, ___ it is comfortable. (2011大连) A. and B. or C. but D. so Basketball has a history of nearly 300 years. Today it is still loved by the young the old. (2011青岛) A. both…and B. either…or C. not…but D. neither…nor * * railway foreigner wonder porter several nervous important honest fail refuse request shout gather strange realize 最佳艺术评论家 art n. e.g. work of art an art student art of painting art of making friends Phrase: arts and crafts Art is long, life is short. 美术,艺术 人生有限,艺术无穷。 技巧,技术 手工艺,工艺美术 artist n. n.油漆,颜料 v.把…涂成…颜色 artiste艺人 critic n. 评论家;吹毛求疵的人 e.g. film critic sports critic armchair critic critical adj. 批判性的;有判断力的;严重的 e.g. a critical thinker a critical illness a man with a critical eye critically adv. e.g. He is looking at my clothes critically. He is critically ill. 有判断力的思想家 危险的病 闭门造车的批评家 具有批判性眼光的人 他病的很严重。 他以挑剔的眼光看着我的衣服。 电影评论家 体育评论家 Do you like paintings? Is it easy to understand the paintings? How many painters do you know? Do you understand art? Many people pretend that they understand art. They always tell you what a picture is ‘about’. Of course,many pictures are not ‘about’ anything. They are just pretty patterns. pretend v. e.g. He pretended not to know the facts. Lets pretend that were cats. He does not pretend an art critic. pretend + n. + to do + that


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