新概念3 第三课.ppt

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新概念3 第三课

Identity n. 身份 Identity card Identify v 他觉得有义务指认犯人。 He felt obliged to identify the criminal. UFO Unidentified Flying Objects …an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists … ? make a close study of…仔细研究 make a detailed analysis of . 详细分析…… make a comprehensive summary of…. 对……做详细的总结 make an exhaustive investigation of 对…做深入调查 目前,专家们正在深入调查三个儿童死亡原因。 An exhaustive investigation of the cause of three kids’ death is being made by experts. ? 董事会正在仔细研究你的提案。 A detailed analysis of your proposal is being made by the board of directors. ? At one time 表达“曾经,一度”,是过去时态的标志,相当于once 一度他们经常见面。 At one time they met frequently. 这个女演员一度享有很高的声誉。 This actress enjoyed good reputation at one time. it enjoyed a high level of …? 中国拥有5000年的悠久灿烂文明历史 China enjoyed a long and glorious history of 5000 years. 新概念教材在中国英语学习者当中畅销近40年 NCE enjoys the popularity with English learners for 40 years in China. 苏杭的丝绸在世界市场上享有很高的声誉。 Silks in Suzhou and Hangzhou enjoy a high reputation in the world market. Houses─often three storeys high─were built of stone. ? Houses, which were often three storeys high, were built of stone. 当定语从句和主句存在系动词明显重复时,可以视情况将定语从句改写成插入语成分。改写的条件是:定语从句的关系词在从句中做主语。 这部电影比我们想象中要好看得多,很值得再看一遍。 The film─far more interesting than we had imagined─was worth seeing for a second time. 这个舞会是这个季节最大的盛会,它由当地一家有名的纺织品公司赞助的。 The ball─the greatest fete of the season─was sponsored by a famous local textile company. Beautifully decorated 副词+过去分词 做定语 表被动关系 一间装修漂亮的房间 A well-decorated room 一家管理不善的公司 A poorly-managed company 一个精心安排的聚会 A carefully-planned party 设计糟糕的游戏 A terribly-designed game The city was even equipped with a …narrow streets.? There was a drainage system in the city, for there were a great many clay pipes beneath the narrow streets. 为了写出生动的句子来,我们应该避开简单乏味的there be句型。放弃这种最基本的存在句型,换个角度,用主动语态或被动语态表达相同的意思。 模仿 有数百人聚集在露天看那部电影。 There are hundreds of people watching the film in the open. Hundreds of people gathered in the open to watch the film.? 书架上有一排排的字典。 Volumes of the dict


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