新概念2 Lesson5 No wrong numbers.ppt

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新概念2 Lesson5 No wrong numbers

Lesson 5 No wrong number Discussion How do you send messages to others (friends/parents)? write to her/him call her/him E-mail her/him chat with her/him by surfing the internet put a piece of paper with your name and address into a bottle, and then throw it into the sea How far is Pinhurst from Silbury? Five miles. Can Mr. Scott get a telephone for his new garage? No, he can’t. What does “No wrong number ” mean? Pigeons can carry the messages, so there are no mistakes. message (n.)消息 ,信息,留言 information n.信息,消息(不可数) leave sb.a message 给…留便条 I have left my mother a message on the table. take a message for sb. 替…捎口信 take a message to sb. 捎口信给… Can you take a message for me? a piece of information cover v.越过 1) vt. 盖,覆盖: Snow covered the whole village. 2)cover+距离:走过,越过 He covered sixty miles this morning. 3)n. 覆盖物,盖子,罩子,套子: Put a cover on the box! garage 汽车间,修车厂,车库 request n. 要求 V. (郑重或正式)请求,要求 at sb.s request 应某人的请求 I bought it ar your request! by request 应邀 She will sing by request. request for 对…有请求,有需求 request sb to do sth 要求某人做...=ask sb.to do sth. I request them to stop making such a noise. spare (1)vt. 抽出(时间等),让给: Have you got five minutes to spare? (2)vt. 饶恕,赦免: The robbers spared his life. (3)adj.多余的,空闲的,剩下的,备用的: a spare room spare cash a spare man others?表示泛指,意为“其他的人或事物”,表示除了一部分以后的另一些,但不是剩下的全体。 常和some搭配构成some...others句型。? Some boys are playing football, and others are rowing. the?others表示特指,意为“其他的人物”,它指一定范围内除去一部分以后,剩下的全部的人或物。? ?Please tell the others. O-------O? one?the?other? 两个东西中的一个是one,另一个是the?other? O-------O?O?O? one?the?others? 多数中的一个,剩下的全部? O?O?O-------O?O?O?O? some?the?others? 一方为一些,另一方为剩下的全部? Key structure 1 现在完成时(the present perfect) 构成:have/has + done(过去分词) 一般过去时( The simple past ) 谓语用动词的过去式 比较: He has lived in China for ten years. 他在中国住了十年。(含义:他可能还住在中国,也可能刚刚离开中国。) He lived in China for ten years. 他曾在中国住过10年。(含义:他现在已经不在中国。) * garage /GQRA:Z/ 汽车修理部 pigeon


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