新概念二Lesson 53 Hot Snake.ppt

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新概念二Lesson 53 Hot Snake

Lesson 53 Hot snake phrases 1 put out a big forest fire扑面森林大火 L1 2 have been trying to find out L2 一直在设法弄清 3 be caused by 由什么引起 L3 4 broken glass碎玻璃 L3 5 cigarette ends烟头 L3 6 examine sth. carefully 仔细观察某事 L4 7discover the cause发现原因 L7 8 the electric wires 电线 L9 9 solve the mystery解迷 L9 10 snatch up 抓起 L10 hot snake hot hot hot hot here means electrified put out a fire 灭火 At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. disasters: tsunami - 海啸 earthquake - 地震 tornado - 龙卷风 drought - 干旱 famine - 饥荒 flood - 洪水 windstorm - 沙尘暴 Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. find out 找出来,查清楚,弄明白 I just couldn’t find out why she got mad on me. 我 辨:find / look for /discover/ invent I’ve been looking for my glasses all morning, just can’t find it. Look, they are right on your head. You are just wearing them. Ah oh, yes, they are. Now I can watch my favorite show “Discovery” Today’s topic is about the famous inventor – Tomas Edison. cause v.使得 Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. cause What caused the fire? career career man reason the reason is that… arouse arouse the interest examine v.检查 Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. examination n. 考试 - exam test quiz accidentally ad. 偶尔的 They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a firemen accidentally discovered the cause. The firemen discovered the cause ___ ___. The firemen ____ ____ discovered the cause. by chance happen to by accident


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