新概念二Lesson 6.pptx

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新概念二Lesson 6

Lesson 6 Percy Buttons;Percy Buttons;New words and expressions;Begar 乞丐;;;pocket;Call v./n.;;Before she shows, I am calling for a thousand times; After she appears, A lute(琵琶) is veiling(蒙…) her face. 千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面。;Percy Buttons;Text ; return n.回报,报答 in return for eg.I bought him a present in return for his help.;;; 美国宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil·Armstrong)登月后曾留下一句名言:“这对于我个人来说只是一小步,但对于人类来说却是一大步”。 他的英文原话是: Thats one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind.;Question;; a/an 辅音音素开头的单数 可数名词前用a; 元音音素开头的单数 可数名词用an. ;;Ⅱ the;3指地名以外的其他独一物二的事物(日月星辰江河湖海机构组织) eg. the United Nations, the Titanic, the Conservative Party 4用在表示乐器的名词之前 play the piano/ the flute/ the violin ;; I knew John Lennon,but not famous one. (2005山东卷) A.不填;a B.a;the C.不填;the D.the;a The warmth of sweater will of course be determined by the sort of wool used.(2001全国卷) A.the;the B.the;不填 C.不填;the D.不填;不填;;3.In many places in China, bicycle is still popular means of transportation. A.a;the B.不填;a C.the;a Dthe;the (2008重庆卷) 4.I looked under bed and found book I lost last week. (2007北京卷) A.the;a B.the;the C.不填;the D.the;不填;必须掌握的概念;She is a singer. The singer’s name is LiYuchun. Singers always try to look different.;This is a dog. The dog is wearing clothes. Dogs are loyal friends to people.;This is meat. The meat seems very delicious. Meat is not very healthy food.;This is milk. The milk is great in amount. Some milk are harmful to our health. ;小结;Percy Buttons;I have just in Bridge Street. Yesterday . He and . , the beggar and sang songs.I gave him a meal.He ate the food and drank the beer.Then he in his


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