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Language points * Lesson 94 Future champions words instruct Los Angeles reluctant weight underwater tricycle compete yard gasp v. 指导,传授 洛杉矶 勉强的,不愿意的 n. 重物 adj. 水下的 n. 三轮车 v. 比赛,对抗 n. 码 v. 喘气 ★ instruct (1) v. 指导,传授 怀特先生教我们的数学 Mr. White instructs us in math . (2) v. 指令、训令 instruct sb to do 命令,指导某人做某事 老师命令学生到体育馆去。 The teacher instructed the pupils to come into the gym . instruction n. 讲授、命令、指示 follow instructions 遵从指示 ★ reluctant adj. 勉强的,不愿意的(unwilling) 勉强的答复 a reluctant answer be reluctant to do 不愿做某事 这段日子我不愿工作。 I am reluctant to work these days . reluctantly adv. 不情愿地、厌恶的(unwillingly ) ★ weight n. 重物、分量、重量 这金币有多重? What’s the weight of this gold coin ? 它重50克。 It is 50 grams in weight . net weight 净重 gross weight 毛重 weigh v. 秤……重量 ,有…….重 他用手秤一秤鱼有多重。 The man weighed the fish by hand . 它有多重? How much dose it weigh ? ★ underwater adj. 水下面的 水下照相机 an underwater camera under- 前缀 (1) ……之下的 underarm underground underline (2) 不足够的 underage ★ compete v. 比赛,对抗 The two teams compete for the championship . competition n. ?竞争,比賽 be in competition with 与…….的竞争 They were in competition with each other for the prize . competitive ?a.竞争的;好竞争的;有竞争力的 We need to work harder to remain competitive with other companies. competitor ?n.竞争者;比赛者 Over 200 competitors entered for the race. ★ yard n. 码(缩写为y/ yd ) 左转,沿着街道大约再走两百码。 Turn left, then walk down the street about two hundred yards. 长度单位 : 英寸 inch 1英寸=2.54厘米 英尺 foot 1英尺=30.48厘米 米 meter ★ gasp (1) v. 喘气、上气不接下气 He gasped for breath . 他喘不过气来 (2)v. 喘着气说 ……(与out , forth 连用) 她气喘吁吁地说了这个消息。 She gasped out the news . = She gasped forth the news . “My house is on fire , “ gasped the man . (3) v.(因惊吓、恐惧引起的) 屏息、喘息 gasp with surprise = gasp in surprise 吃惊地屏住呼吸 (4) n. 屏息、喘息、接不上气 in short gasps 气喘吁吁 at one’s last gasp 奄奄一息地 1、Experiments have proved that children can be instructed in swimming at a very early age. be instructed in 被训练 我们训练护理技术。 We are instruct


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