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Lesson 81;★ prisoner (1) n. 囚犯 jailbird (2) n. 俘虜 POW:a prisoner of war 戰俘 去掉er prison 監牢、監獄 be in prison break prison 越獄 他被释放了。 He has been released from jail.;★ bush (1)灌木丛(比tree低而且多枝) 薔薇丛 a rose bush beat around the bush = beat about the bush 繞彎子說話,轉彎抹角地說話 bushy adj. 灌木叢生的;茂密的 ;★ rapidly adv. 迅速地 (反义词slowly) rapid adj. 迅速的、快速的 、敏捷的(反義詞slow) 他快速的看了我一眼。 He took a rapid glance at me . 她的反應很靈敏。 Her reaction was rapid. ;★ uniform (1) n. 制服 在我們的学校所有学生必须穿校服 All the students must wear uniforms at our school. (2) adj. 相同的、同行的 相同重量的箱子 The boxes are uniform in weight. ;★ shoulder (1) n. 肩膀 She looked over her shoulder . 她回過頭向後看。 你要自己負起責任來。 Take the responsibility on your shoulders . (2) 肩部、路肩、肩 the shoulder of a mountain 山肩 cry on one’s shoulder 向某人哭訴 give someone the shoulder 冷淡地對待某人 shoulder to shoulder 肩並肩;★ march (1)v. 行进、進軍. (2) n. 行進、進軍 行軍路線 a line of march (3) n. 音樂進行曲 婚禮進行曲 a wedding march (4) n. 發展、進展 科學的進步 the march of science ;★ boldly adv. 大胆地、厚顏無恥 bold (1) adj. 大膽的、不知害怕的、有勇氣的 bold to do sth 膽敢做某事 It is bold of sb to do sth 某人真大膽,竟然敢做…… 你真大膽竟敢獨自去爬那座山 You’re bold to climb that mountain alone . = It is bold of you to climb that mountain alone . (2)adj. (女性) 厚顏無恥、冒失的 多麼厚顏無恥的女人! What a bold woman she is ! (3) adj. 筆畫粗的 用粗体把重点的词强调出来。 Highlight the important words in bold ;★ blaze (1)v. 燃燒、冒火焰 火燒了一整天 。 The fire blazed all day . (2)v. 發怒、激怒 他怒火中燒。 He was blazing with anger. blazing adj. 炎熱的 a blazing sun 炙熱的太陽;★ salute (1) v. 行礼、敬禮、問候或歡迎 salute the flag 向旗帜敬禮 (2) n. 敬禮 give a salute 敬禮 軍官向将军回了禮. The officer returned the general’s salute . ;★ elderly adj. 上了年纪的 上了年紀的紳士 an elderly gentleman elder 年紀較長的、年長的 = older(美) 哥哥/姐姐 elder brother / sister 年紀較長的兒子 an elder son ;★ sharp (1) adj. 猛烈的、極劇的、凜冽的 刺骨的寒風 a sharp wind 。 ;Questions on the text 1.After he had killed the guard,what did the prisoner of war do? 2.What did he hear and see when he marched boldly in front of the ca


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