新概念二50课 Taken for a ride课文讲解AntAngelia.ppt

新概念二50课 Taken for a ride课文讲解AntAngelia.ppt

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新概念二50课 Taken for a ride课文讲解AntAngelia

2015 Taken for a ride Have you ever travelled alone? How was that? 1 What are you worried about before having a trip ? 2 What is the most embarrasing thing happened during your trip? 3 ride n. 旅行 excursion n. 远足 conductor n. 售票员员 view n. 景色 passenger n. 乘客 Qs Why did the writer not get off the bus at Woodford Green? 1 2 3 Where did the writer want to go? Did he know the way? What did the conductor realize then? in the country lose my way 偶尔为之 经常如此 Vic loves playing football on weekends. Vic loves play football this weekend. 乡村:常与the连用 国家:可数名词 我们的国家日益强大。 Our country is becoming stronger and stronger. lose loose miss It seems that we have missed our chance. I cannot write to her as Ive lost her address. Can you explaine the meaning of loose? Loose shirts are good for summer wear. I love ... but I dont like ... 好像我们已失去了机会。 我丢失了她的地址,没法给她写信。 go on an excursion take me longer than I expected take spend cost go on 节食 a diet strike vacation 罢工 度假 It took me a month to read the book. take sb. some time to do sth. I spent a month reading the book. The book costs me 50 yuan. spend some time doing sth. than I expected 这个问题比我想象的简单。 The question is easier than I expected. cost sb. some money than I expected as... 01 What did he say? 02 =when The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field. 要获得医师资格需时六年。 It takes six years to qualify as a doctor. He said that he was going to Woodford Green, but he didnt know where it was. got on/off the bus got on/off the horse in the front of tell sb. where to do ... 没有谁能知道自己在何处、何时及怎样死亡。 No one can tell where or when or how he will die. 护士会告诉你分娩过程中什么时候该用力。 The nurse will tell you when to bear down. tell sb. 疑问词+陈述句 她对著镜子转了一圈。 She did a twirl in front of the mirror. 教室前面坐着一个鬼魂。 There is a ghost sitting in the front of the classroom. after some time 01 looking around 02 过了一段时间,他们就搬到了另一个城市。 After some time, they moved to another city. 时间状语 When I was looking around, I realized that... I was the only passenger (who was


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