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gather v. hand in sth. Hand in your writing, please? In hand: e.g. I still have some money in hand. refuse: 拒绝 e.g. refuse a gift/ present/love I refused his invitation. I was politely refused. refusal: n. e.g. The refusal hurt me deeply. 7. laugh: v 笑 e.g. he is a very funny guy, he always makes me laugh. laugh at: e.g. we all laughed at Jim, he said he believed in ghosts. . He who laughs last laughs longest. laughter: 笑声 The house is always full of laughter laugh about sb/sth 对…感到好笑而发笑= be amused about (sth) eg:这不是一件好笑的事。 laugh at sb/sth 1).因…而发笑 =be amused by Eg:我们听了他的笑话都笑了。 2).嘲笑=make fun of eg:不要嘲笑这个可怜的人. 引导时间状语的介词: in: 1. 表示一天当中的某一段时间 e.g.:in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 2. 表示月份、年份: e.g.: in March/ September/ 2008 3. 表示季节: e.g.: in spring/ winter 4. 表示“在某段时间之内” e.g.: I always eat my breakfast in ten minutes. 5. 表示“…时间之后”, 与将来时连用 e.g.: Mother will be back in ten days. on 1. 表示星期: on Monday/ Friday/ Monday morning 2. 表示日期: on June 1st / 25th December 3. 表示具体时间: on that day/ that evening at: 1. 表示确切的时间: at 10 o’clock 2. 表示用餐时间: at lunch/ dinner time/ teatime 3. 表示其他时刻: at noon/ night/ midnight during: 后面必须跟一个名词,可以指整个一段时间。 e.g.: It was very hot during the summer. I met him sometime during the week. from … till… : 指一段明确的时间 e.g.: I work from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m.. 当所有动词只表示一个短暂的动作(如finish,leave)时,则只表示在否定句中用till/until: e.g.: I won’t leave till/until Monday. The usages of in, on and at 早、午、晚要用in 例:in the morning , in the afternoon , in the evening, in the daytime At用于黎明、午、夜、点与分 例: at dawn, at daybreak 在黎明时候 at noon , at night , at midnight , 以上短语都不用冠词 at six oclock ,at 7:30 :at half past eleven, at the weekend 年、月、年月、季节、周 即在“来年”,在“某月”,在“某年某月” (但在某年某月某日则用on),在四季,在第几周,将来时等都要用in。 in 1986 in April in December 1986 in spring in autumn in the fist week of this semester in the third week. They will come back in 10 days. 在第三周 阳光、灯、影、衣、冒 in, 即在阳光下,在灯


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