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New Concept English 2 Lesson 44;Daily Sentences;New Words and Expressions;Forest vt.植树于,使成为森林 n. 森林 Synonyms Woodland 然而,这又是一个与众不同的森林。 However, this is a forest with a difference. Picnic n.野餐 vi.去野餐 Phrases No picnic不轻松,不轻易 Picnic Basket野餐篮子 之后,我们在河岸上野餐。 Afterwards, we picnicked on the riverbank. ;Risk n.风险,几率 vt.冒…的风险 Phrases risk investment风险投资 the risk of sth某事的风险 你在冒很大的危险把这给瑞克看。 Youre taking a big risk showing this to Rick. Edge n.边缘,优势,刀刃 vt.使锐利,将…开刃 vi.缓慢移动 Competitive edge竞争优势 在边缘上,在转角处,黑暗等待着。 On the edge, in the corners, darkness waited.;Strap n.带,皮带,用带子绑 vt.用带捆绑,用皮条抽打 过去式/过去分词strapped Phrases metal strap金箍 magic strap魔术带 她把婴儿座椅用带子绑在那辆汽车上。 She strapped the baby seat into the car. Synonyms Belt/Strip Strapless adj.无带的 Strapper马夫,健壮的人 ;Possession n.拥有,财产,领地 in possession of sth占有某物 非法拥有毒品是严重犯罪行为。 The unlawful possession of drugs is a serious crime. Possessive adj.占有的,所有的,所有格的 Possessor n.持有人 Possessiveness n.占有,自制力 Possess vt.控制,掌握 Synonyms Property(性质,性能,所有权)(偏)/Treasure/Worth;Breath n.呼吸,气息 他深深地吸了一口气,然后开始爬楼梯。 He took a deep breath, and began to climb the stairs. Breathing adj.呼吸的,逼真的 Breathless adj.停止呼吸的,喘不过气的 Breather n.呼吸者,呼吸的东西 Breathlessness n.呼吸急促,气喘吁吁 Breathe v.呼吸,低语 过去式/过去分词Breathed 病人最后开始正常呼吸了。 Finally the patient began to breathe normally.;Contents 过去式/过去分词Contented n.内有的东西,内容 be content with以…为满足 每一丁点的内容都在替某事做宣传,不管是有意还是无意。 Every bit of content advertises something, whether on purpose or not. Contented adj.满足的,心安的 Contentment n.满足,满意 Synonyms Satisfaction/Directory(目录) ;Mend vt.修理,修补 n.改善,好转 过去式/过去分词Mended 这婴儿生病了,但看起来病情正在好转。 The baby had been ill but seemed to be on the mend. Synonyms Repair/fix/Improve(改善) Mender n.修改者,修理者 Mending n.修补,修补工作 mend ones ways改过自新 ;Question How did Mrs. Sterling get her bag back? Passage Mrs. Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a picnic at the edge of a fore


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