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新概念2A期中考试 一、单项选择(20*1.5=30分) 1、Peter enjoyed at his birthday party last night. A、 he B、him C、himself D、his 2、Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what nice. A、feels B、smells C、looks D、tastes 3、----- Would you mind the music? We’re doing our homework. ------Not at all. A、turning down B、turn down C、turning on D、turn off 4、The reporter said that the UFO east to west when he saw it. A、travels B、traveled C、was traveling D、has traveled 5、------ When your mother you that blue dress, Mary? ------ Sorry, I really can’t remember. A、does; buy B、has; bought C、had; bough D、did; buy 6、All the students agreed to go there by sea and camp by sea. A、the; a B、/; the C、/; / D、a; the 7、------ Kate has won the first prize in the singing competition. ------ pleasant surprise this gave her classmates! A、What B、What a C、How D、How a 8、I some of my free time playing basketball for my school team. A、spend B、cost C、take D、pay 9、Mr. White came to our school in 2008, and since then he us English. A、teaches B、taught C、has taught D、will teach 10、Tom the USA. He back in two months. A、has gone to; comes B、has gone to; will be C、has been to; comes D、has been to; will be —What shall we have for supper? --I bought ________big fish at _______only market near my office. A. a; a B. a; the C. the ;不填 12、Julia is very clever.In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has_______ IQ. A.a high B.a higher C.the higher D.the highest 13、The accident happened _______ a cold winter early morning. A. in B. at C. on D. for 14、As one of the school rules, middle school students are not______ to smoke. A. ordered B. refused C. allowed D. forbidden 15、—Mom, when can I go out to play football? —Finish


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