新概念英语5B U33课.pptx

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新概念英语5B U33课

Unit33 Escape;★ prisoner (1) n. 囚犯 jailbird (2) n. 俘虏 a prisoner of war 战俘 去掉er prison 监狱 be in prison 坐牢,进监狱 break prison 越狱;★ bush (1)灌木丛(比tree低而且多枝) a rose bush 薔薇丛,玫瑰丛 bushy adj. 灌木丛生的;茂密的 ;★ rapidly adv. 迅速地 (反义词slowly) rapid adj. 迅速的、快速的 、敏捷的(反义词slow) 他快速的看了我一眼。 He took a rapid glance at me . 她的反应很灵敏。 Her reaction was rapid. ;★ uniform (1) n. 制服 在我们的学校所有学生必须穿校服 All the students must wear uniforms at our school. (2) adj. 相同的 The boxes are uniform in weight. 相同重量的箱子 ;★ shoulder (1) n. 肩膀 She looked over her shoulder . 她回头向后看。 Take the responsibility on your shoulders . 你要自己负起責任来。 (2) 肩部、路肩、肩 the shoulder of a mountain 山肩 cry on one’s shoulder 向某人哭诉 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 (相当于side by side );★ march (1)v. 行进、进军 (2) n. 行进、进军 a line of march 行军路线 (3) n. 音乐进行曲 a wedding march 婚礼进行曲 (4) n. 发展、进展 the march of science 科学的进步 ;★ boldly adv. 大胆地 bold (1) adj. 大胆的、勇敢的 bold to do sth 胆敢做某事 It is bold of sb to do sth 某人真大胆,竟然敢做...... You’re bold to climb that mountain alone . = It is bold of you to climb that mountain alone . 你真大胆竟敢独自去爬那座山 (3) adj. 笔划粗的 用粗体把重点的词强调出来。 Highlight the important words in bold ;★ blaze (1)v. 燃烧、冒火焰 The fire blazed all day .火烧了一整天 。 (2)v. 发怒、激怒 He was blazing with anger.他怒火中烧 blazing adj. 炎热的 a blazing sun 炙热的太阳;★ salute (1) v. 行礼、敬礼或问候 salute the flag 向旗帜敬礼 (2) n. 敬礼 give a salute 敬礼 The officer returned the general’s salute . 长官向将军回了礼 ;★ elderly adj. 上了年纪的 an elderly gentleman 上了年纪的绅士 elder 年纪较长的、年长的 = older(美) elder brother / sister 哥哥/姐姐 an elder son 年纪较长??儿子 ;★ blow (1) n. 打击、欧打 He gave me a blow on the head . 他打在我头上。 (2) v. 吹、刮 blow - blew - blown It is blowing hard today .今天风大 ;1.When he had killed the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. drag ……into 拖进 He dragged the table into the corner.他把桌子拖进角落里。;2.Working rapidly in the darkness, he soon changed into t


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