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★ appointment [?p??ntm?nt] have an appointment 有一个约会 Do you have an appointment? 你有约会吗? make an appointment with sb 和某人有约 I want to make an appointment with Tom. 我和汤姆有个约会。 拓展: date n. 约会(一般指男女之间约会) How to ask out a girl on date? 你如何邀约女孩出门约会? -ment n. 名词后缀; 以ment结尾的词通常是名词。 development发展; agreement同意; movement动作; ★ urgent [?:d??nt] an urgent telephone call 一个紧急的电话 an urgent meeting 一个紧急的会议 It’s very urgent. 我很着急。 ★ till [t?l] prep. 直到….为止 Can you wait till this afternoon? 你能等到今天下午吗? They danced till midnight. 他们跳舞一直跳到半夜。 The shop is open from eight till five oclock. 商店的营业时间是从上午八点到下午五点。 Nurse:Good morning, Mr. Croft. Mr. Croft:Good morning, nurse. I want to see the dentist, please. Nurse:Do you have an appointment? Mr. Croft:No, I don’t. Nurse:Is it urgent? Mr. Croft:Yes, it is. It is very urgent. I feel awful. I have a terrible toothache. Nurse:Can you come at 10 a.m. on Monday April 24th? Mr. Croft: I must see the dentist now, nurse. Nurse:The dentist is very busy at the moment. Can you come at 2 p.m.? Mr. Croft:That is very late. Can the dentist see me now? Nurse:I’m afraid that he can’t, Mr. Croft. Can’t you wait till this afternoon? Mr. Croft:I can wait, but my toothache can’t! 1.Do you have an appointment? 你有预约么? 文化背景: 西方国家一般看病都不是去 大医院而去私人医院,医生很忙 需要接待很多病人,只能安排好 时间,按预约时刻去看病, 其他时间一般没办法看病。 2.Is it urgent? 很急么? 这句话,一般常用于医院,买票,排队等情况。 I feel awful. 我觉得很糟糕。 感官动词 + 形容词 feel awful 3.I have a terrible toothache. 我得了严重的牙疼。 terrible a. 很差的,糟糕的 This is a terrible film. 这是部糟糕的电影 4.April 24th 4月24号 读作:April the 24th 5.I’m afraid that he can’t, Mr. Croft. 恐怕他办不到呀,Croft 先生 I’m afraid that+句子 表示否定,不是真的害怕, 而是语气婉转。 I am afraid that I cant come tonight. 恐怕今天晚上我不能来了 Im afraid that it will rain tomorrow. 我担心明天会下雨。 Dont be afraid that people will


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