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单词1、后悔 2、径直,笔直 3、害怕(名词) 4、强壮的 5、 游泳运动员 6、 成功(动词) 7、 训练 8、 焦急地(副词) 9、 在…当中(三者以上) 10、 固体的,硬的 词组: 11、 横渡英吉利海峡 12、 希望创一项新的世界记录 13、 每两个小时休息一下 14、 一些喝的东西 15、过去是开出租车的 16、在前不久 17、 令人兴奋得多 18、 一只装满了钱的袋子 19、 打电话报警 句子:20、 他看见有两个小偷从一家商店重出来,奔想等在那里的一辆轿车. Lesson 37 The Olympic Games Forever Friend We spent too much time apart This is the time when all dreams of man come alive Forever friends In harmony As the whole world joins and sees Days of unity and peace Forever through the years Well hear the cheers Joy and laughter everywhere! Were together here to share Forever friends Enjoy a song! opening ceremony What can you think of? The Olympic Games What are the events? Discus 铁饼 撑杆跳高 Pole jump [disk?s] [p?ul] Weight lifting Hurdles 举重 跨栏赛跑 [h?:dls] Swimming Diving 游泳 跳水 [daivi?] 场地自行车赛 Track cycling Skiing (winter) 滑雪 [ski:i?] Gymnastics Rings Horse Balance Beam Floor 吊环 平衡木 鞍马 自由体操 [bi:m] [d??mn?st?ks]] n. 体操;体育;体操运动 Boxing Fencing 拳击 击剑 [fensi?] Discus 铁饼 Pole jump 撑杆跳高 Weight lifting 举重 Hurdles 跨栏赛跑 Swimming 游泳 Diving 跳水 Track cycling 场地自行车赛 Skiing 滑雪 Rings 吊环 Balance Beam 平衡木 Horse 鞍马 Floor 自由体操 Boxing 拳击 Fencing 击剑…… Which event do you like most ? Why? Ancient Modern How often Kinds Competitors Prize Place to hold Spirit (精神) The Ancient and the Modern Olympic Games every four years every four years only men men and women olive wreath medals only in Greece an Olympic host city Higher, swifter , stronger Higher , swifter , stronger Summer Olympics Winter Olympics only Summer Olympics higher swifter stronger What’s the spirit of the Olympic Games? Olympic torch Do you know…… When did China first take part in the Olympic Games? 2. Who was China’s first gold medal winner and for what event? 1932 Xu Haifeng; shooting About China 3. When and will the next Olympic Games be held? 2014


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