新概念英语青少版 1b-Unit29.ppt

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新概念英语青少版 1b-Unit29

Campagnolo公司是以Tullio Campagnolo 人的名字命名的,Tullio Campagnolo 是一位赛车手, 在那时有很多赛车比赛,1927年11月11日的一次比赛标志了Campagnolo在这一行业设计上冒险旅途的开始。当时由于不利的气候条件,Tullio Campagnolo 参加比赛时受伤了 ,也应为这样他联想到可以为自行车车轮开发一种快放机械装置。这一想法加上之后的更多思考是现代竞技自行车的发展中决定性步骤的标志。 * William: Youre quite tall now,Robert. You need a new bicycle. But you must be careful. The traffic is very dangerous. Karen: Dont worry about the traffic now! Happy birthday, Robert, and many happy returns of the day! William:Yes, many happy returns of the day, Robert! 别担心 1.中国孩子过生日一般会按照农历日 期为准,而西方人则按照阳历为主。 2.在中国长命百岁一般是向年长的老 人祝福,而西方则小孩也适宜祝贺。 * of August, Karen! 2. I know! Ten years old ! 3. Here‘s a present you your father and me. 4. Oh, great! A new bike! Oh, the gears! 5.Youre now, Robert. 6.But you must .The traffic is very dangerous. 7. the traffic now!Happy birthday,Robert,and ! 8.Yes, , Robert! The first already for from look at quite tall be careful Dont worry many happy returns of the day many happy returns of the day Fill in the blanks Ask question about the text. Example: it / first / August ? (What’s…date today?) It is the first of August. A: Is it the first of August ? B: Yes , it is . A: What’s the date today ? B: It is the first of August. present bike gear dangerous safe Learn the new words year 年 present 礼物(gift) gear 齿轮 traffic 交通 dangerous 危险 safe 安全 date 日期 question 问题 ask


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