新概念青少版2B Unit23.ppt

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新概念青少版2B Unit23

1. How far is it from here to your house? 2. How do you get here? By bus,by car or on foot? 3. How tall are you? striking [straiki?] 引人注目的 send[send]送 face[feis]脸 file[fail]文件 messenger [‘mesind??] 信使 How far…?......有多远? anyone[‘eniw?n]任何人 height [hait] 高度 foot[fut]英尺 have a look看一看 later[‘leit?]稍后 centimetre[sentimi:t?]厘米 building[bildi?]建筑 Building 建筑物 mountain[mauntin] 山 high [hai] 高的 wide[waid]宽的 width[widθ] 宽度 deep[di:p]深的 depth[depθ] 深度 ladder[l?d?]梯子 length [le?θ]长度 parcel[pɑ:s?l]包裹 kilo [kil?u]公斤 end[end]终点 1.A:How tall is that building? B: It’s 320 metres. That’s quite tall. 2. A: What’s the height of that building? It looks quite tall. B: It is quite tall! It’s 320 metres. 3. A: That building’s 320 metres tall. B:Really?/Is it? That’s quite tall! 4. A: How far is the airport from here? B: The airport is five miles from here. 5. A: How far is it from here to the airport? B: It’s five miles. 6. A: Is it far from here to the airport? B: No, it’s quite near/ Yes, it’s a long way. It’s ....miles. have a look:看一看 游戏规则:两组各派一个代表,进行猜拳,老师挑选出一个单词进行猜拳,其他组员连读该单词三遍,读完三遍后,两名代表出拳,哪组猜赢哪组加分。 规则:教师说中文,学生说英文或老 师说英文,学生说中文。小组PK: 看那组 读的好,标准,声音大,小组加分 striking: She is striking. face: This is my face. height: What height is that? messenger: I’ll send a messenger. news:新闻 [?kli:?u] Of course: 当然 How far:多长 about: 大约 thats=that is by:与时间词连用,意为“不迟于,在.....之前。 quite:非常,相当 get the picture:了解情况 [?spe?l] [?s?ndi] [mi:t?(r)] 稍等 [?m??m?nt]


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