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新模式英语2练习册参考答案 Pre-Unit: Welcome to Our Class (p. P 2) Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Be (p. P2) C. Answers will vary. E. Answers will vary. F. 1. am; I’m 2. are; They’re 3. are; We’re 4. is; He’s 5. are; They’re 6. is; She’s 7. are; You’re 8. is; It’s G d. c. e. b. a. H. She’s tired. She needs some rest. They’re nervous. They have a test today. We’re happy. We have a new baby! He’s hungry. He wants a hamburger. I’m sad. I have no friends. I. Answers will vary. Challenge 2: 所有格形容词 (p. P4) B. Name: Smith, Jonathon Phone: (714) 555-8989 Birth Date: March 3, 1978 Street Address: 2356 Orchard Lane City: Pine City State: CA Zip Code: 90638 Exercise D. My Their Your Our His His Its E. 1. His address is 2274 W. Bayside Dr. 2. Their school is Lincoln Adult School. 3. Her birth date is June 5, 1975. 4. Their state is California. (Note: CA = California) 5. His last name is Nakamura. 6. our F. Answers will vary. Challenge 3: Can的问句 (p. P6) C. Answers will vary. E. Can you spell that? Can you say that again? Can you repeat that? Can you speak louder? Can you help me? Can you speak slower? Can you teach me English? Can you open the door? Can you write it? F. c. e. b. d. a. G. Answers will vary. Sample answers: Student A: Can you help me with a problem? Student B: Sure. Student A: Can you help me spell certain words? Student B: OK. Unit 1 Everyday Life (p. 2) Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Live and Be (p. 2) B. Kenji: single, 22 years old, Los Angeles Anya: married, 68 years old, Los Angeles Gilberto: single, 30 years old, Los Angeles Marie: divorced, 32 years old, Los Angeles D. lives are are are am lives live live is lives is am . F. Answers will vary. Sample answers: Anya: Anya is 68 years old. She lives in Los Angeles. She is a student. She is married. Gilberto: Gilberto is a student. He is 30 years old. He is single. He lives in Los Angeles. G. Answers will vary. Challenge 2: 一般现在时: Have (p. 4) B. Three One Four Vietnam The United States Nguyen D. I have two sisters. I don’t have a wife.


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