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* incompetent a. not having the ability or skill to do a job properly 不合格的; 不胜任的 e.g. She was put off math by a bullying and incompetent teacher. e.g. The Prime Minister is incompetent to govern the country. * promote v. help something to develop or increase 促进, 提升  e.g. The officer has been promoted to the rank of general. e.g. The aim is to promote closer economic integration. * appeal   n. a quality that makes people like something or someone 吸引力 e.g. What is the particular appeal of this island? * competition   n. a situation in which people or organizations try to be more successful than other people or organizations 比赛; 竞争 e.g. Sometimes there’s a lot of competition between children for their mother’s attention. * severe   intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality 剧烈的; 严重的; 严峻的 e.g. He’s suffering from severe mental disorder. e.g. Nothing can warrant such severe punishment. * convince   v. make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something 使确信, 使信服, 说服 (convince sb. of sth.; convince sb. that) e.g. We hope to convince him of our sincerity. e.g. We hope to convince him that we are sincere. * consummate  a. showing a lot of skill 圆满的; 至上的; 完美的 e.g. He won the race with consummate ease (=very easily). e.g. De Gaulle conducted his strategy with consummate skill. * ease n. feeling relaxed, especially in a situation in which people might feel a little nervous 安乐, 安逸; 悠闲 e.g. She had an ability to put people at their ease. e.g. He is expected to win the game with ease. * indispensable a. so important or useful that it is impossible to manage without them [= essential]不可缺少的, 绝对必要的 e.g. Meat is not indispensable for maintaining a healthy diet. e.g. Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives. * initial   a. happening at the beginning [= first] 开始的, 最初的  e.g. The initial response has been encouraging. e.g. The new aircraft has performed very


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