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30 4 V o l. 30, N o. 4 20 10 4 A cta Scientiae C ircum stantiae A pr. , 2010 2 + , , . 20 10. P b [ J] . , 30( 4 ): 756- 76 1 C hen H Y, Z hang H T, Y u L. 20 10. R emov ing P b( II) from w ater us ing ho llow m icro sph eres and d ielectrophores is[ J] . A cta Scient iae C ircum stan tiae, 30 ( 4) : 756- 761 2+ Pb * 陈慧英 , 张鹤腾, 于乐 中央民族大学生命与环境科学学院, 北京 100081 : 2009-07-09 : 2009- 11- 16 : 20 10-02-08 : Pb2 + , , , . , . , Pb2 + . , . : Pb2 + : 0253-2468 ( 20 10) 04-756-06 : X 703. 1 : A Rem oving Pb( II) from water using hollow m i rospheres and diele trophoresis * CH EN H u iying , ZHANG H eteng, YU Le C ollege of L ife and Env ironm en tal Science, M inzu U n iv ersity of C h ina, B eijing 100081 R e eived 9 July 2009 re eived in rev ised form 16 N ov ember 2009 a epted 8 F ebruary 20 10 2 + A bstra t: A fter absorb ing P b , hollow m icro sph eres exh ib it po sitive d ielectrophoresis ( pDEP) in a non-un iform electric f ield. T he pD EP is benef icial to capture th em icro-part icles onto th e electrodes, w h ich prov ides a po ss iblem ethod to rem ov e heavy m etals from w ater using DEP and m icro spheres. L ead ion s such as Pb2 + in the w ater are f irst adsorbed by the m icro spheres, and the suspen sion is then in jected to a chamb er equ ipped w ith a m icroch ip of m icroelectrod e array s. T he hol low m icro spheres are trapped by d ielectrophoresis force after vo ltage is app lied. T he DEP respon ses of them i


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