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反学校文化与阶级再生产: 2011 5 CJS 小子!与 子弟!之比较 31 周 潇 : 作者通过对北京某打工子弟学校的田野调查后发现, 在农民工 子 弟! 中间盛行着类 ∀学做工# 中所描述的工人阶级 小子!的反学校文化但 是, 由于制度安排与社会条件的差异, 子弟! 与 小子! 的反学校文化却是形 质异的 子弟! 的 反抗! 更多是一种自我放弃的表达形式而非对支配秩 序的洞察与抗争文章进一步分析了 子弟! 反学校文化的生产机制后指出, 农民工劳动力再生产的低成本组织模式导致 子弟!高度边缘化的生存状态, 这使得他们难以通过教育向上流动, 从而以拒绝知识的形式放弃了学业, 也 因此完成了作为底层的社会再生产 : 农民工子弟 反学校文化 再生产机制 CounterSchool Culture: A Comparative Study of Lads! and Zidi! Zhou Xiao Abstract: Through the fiel work in a school for migrant chil ren in Beijing, the author fin s that among the chil ren of migrant workers, some kin of counterschool culture, which is similar to that of la s! escribe in learnin g to labor , is prevailing. However, because of the ifferences in the institutional arrangement an social con itions, the two counterschool cultures have superficial similarities only but are ifferent in essence. The resistance of zi i! (chil ren of the migrant workers) is more of selfgiving up than insightful resistance of the omineering or er. The paper further analyzes the mechanisms that pro uce this counterschool zi i! culture an points out that the lowcost organization mo e of repro uction of the migrant labor force has le to the marginalize status of zi i! for a living, which in turn has ma e it * : ( Author: Zhou Xiao, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Aca emy of Social Sciences) Email: zhouxiao114@ yahoo. com. cn 70 : ! ! very ifficult for them to move upwar via e ucation; therefore, they have given up schooling by rejecting knowle ge, an consequentially have complete the social re


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