最新外研版九年级英语上册Module 5 Museums Unit 1 Don’t cross that rope!.ppt

最新外研版九年级英语上册Module 5 Museums Unit 1 Don’t cross that rope!.ppt

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最新外研版九年级英语上册Module 5 Museums Unit 1 Don’t cross that rope!

2.Let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 让我们一起去打篮球吧 Let us play basketball togother. 3.me too 我也一样 There he is 他来了!倒装句-将正常的陈述语序加以变化,主要作用是强调被提前的部分 over there 在哪边 No shouting 禁止喧哗 表示禁止做某事 1)No+ Ving No fishing / parking 2) No + n No entry 3) 祈使句 Dont make any noise. against the rule 违反规定 5 Unit 1 Don’t cross that rope No entry No fire Signs around you No shouting No parking 2. Match the signs with the rules No shouting No photos No smoking Don’t touch Listen and Read 1. What are Lingling going to do on Saturday? A. go to th zoo B. visit the museum C. go to the cinema. 2. Where did Lingling find the guide? A. from the Internet B. from the newspapers C. from the magazine 3. What’s Lingling’s homework write about? A. favourite film B. favourite zoo C. favourite museum 4. How many people are going to the museum? A. one B. two C. three √ √ √ √ 3. Listen and answer 1. Where are Betty and Lingling now? A. at a zoo B. in a museum C. at a cinema. 2. Where are the Animal Room? A. upstairs B. downstairs C. we don’t know 3. What does Daming want Betty and Lingling to see? A. monkey exhibition B. a picture C. a book 4. Can they take photos there? A. Yes B. No C. we don’t know 5. What’s the matter with Lingling? A. she broken her leg B. She lost her mobile phone C. She can find her bag √ √ √ √ √ Let’s read the dialogue Language What a wonderful museum! 多么奇妙的博物馆呀 What 感叹句: What+(a/an)+形+名词(+主语+谓语) What a clever girl she is! How 感叹句: How+形/副(+主语+谓语) How clever the girl is _____a hot day it is! ______ hot the day is ! ______ delicious food it is! ______ well she sings! What How What How be in trouble 遇上麻烦,处于困境 让我们帮帮他吧,他正处于危险中。 Lets help him, he is in trouble. Dont cross the rope.不要跨那条线。 cross 跨过(表面) 动词 across 穿过 介词 cross= go across (through 穿过(里面)介词) He _____


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