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The civil war The Civil War of 1861 to 1865 was the awesome trial by fire of American nationhood,and of the American soul. All Americans knew, said Abraham Lincoln, that slavery “was somehow the cause of this war.” Slavery After the Compromise of 1850 Kansas and Nebraska, 1854 The future Union Pacific Railroad (completed in 1869) is shown.Note the Missouri Compromise line of 36° 30 (1820) Bleeding Kansas, 1854–1860 John Brown (1800–1859) William Lloyd Garrison (1805–1879) The most conspicuous and most vilified of the abolitionists, Garrison was a nonresistant pacifist and a poor organizer. He favored northern secession from the South and antagonized both sections with his intemperate language. Frederick Douglass (1817?–1895) Born a slave in Maryland, Douglass escaped to the North and became the most prominent of the black abolitionists. Gifted as an orator, writer, and editor, he continued to battle for the civil rights of his people after emancipation.Near the end of a distinguished career, he served as U.S. minister to Haiti. Ulysses Simpson Grant(1822年4月27日-1885年7月23日),美国军事家、陆军上将、第18任美国总统,他是美国历史上第一位从西点军校毕业的总统。在美国南北战争后期任联邦军总司令,屡建奇功。 Robert Edward Lee,(1807年1月19日—1870年10月12日),美国军事家,出生于弗吉尼亚。他在美墨战争中表现卓越,并在1859年镇压了约翰·布朗的武装起义。在美国南北战争中,他是美国南方联盟的总司令。内战中,他在公牛溪战役、腓特烈斯堡战役及钱瑟勒斯维尔战役中大获全胜。1865年,他在联盟军弹尽粮绝的情况下向尤里西斯·辛普森·格兰特将军投降,从而结束了内战。战后,他积极从事教育事业,任华盛顿大学(现名华盛顿与李大学)的校长。1870年病逝,葬在弗吉尼亚列克敦。 The Emancipation Proclamation,是份由美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯公布的宣言,其主张所有美利坚联邦叛乱下的领土之黑奴应享有自由,然而豁免的对象包含未脱离联邦的边境州,以及联邦掌控下的诸州。此宣言仅立即解放少部分奴隶,但实质上强化联邦军掌控联邦的领土后这些黑奴自由的权威性,并为最终废除全美奴隶制度预先铺路。 Homestead Act 颁布后第一张地契 Battle of Gettysburg.为1863年7月1日至7月3日所发生的一场决定性战役,属于葛底斯堡会战(Gettysburg Campaign)的最后阶段,于宾夕法尼亚葛底斯堡及其附近地区进行,是美国内战中最著名的战斗,经常被引以为美国内战的转折点。 7、Battle of Gettysburg(南北战争的转折) 8、Era of Reconstruction Richmond Devastated Charleston Atlanta, and other Southern cities looked much the same, resembling bombed-out Berlin and Dresden in 1945.


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