杭州市周浦中学八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a good time Section B课件.ppt

杭州市周浦中学八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a good time Section B课件.ppt

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杭州市周浦中学八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a good time Section B课件

5. So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it! 你只要跟人聊聊这个问题,你的问题就解决了一半。 be halfway to… 表示“完成了或者做了事情的一部分”,其中to为介词 如: we’re still only halfway to finishing the job 我们才仅仅完成了工作的一部分。 句中的by在这里表示方式,“通过(…办法);使用(…)方式”的意思。如: A: How do you study for a test? B: Well, most of time by going over the notes and reading the textbook. Talk with your friends and complete 3a、3b and 3c A: What problem do you have … B: ……. What do you think I should do?/can you give me some advice? A: I think you should… 3a Talk to someone you know. Find out his / her three biggest worries. Try to think of some solutions to the problems and write them down. problems Possible solutions 3b write about your friend’s first problem and possible solutions. My friends _________has a problem. He / She _____________________________ _____________________________________ I think he / she should __________________ _____________________________________ If he /she _____________________________ _____________________________________ He / she will __________________________ ____________________________ 3c Now write your advice for your friend’s second and third problem. My friend also have two other problems… * Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a good time! What were you doing yesterday evening? Were you watching an exciting match? If you watch the match, you’ll feel excited. 8月11日晚,2013年世界羽毛球锦标赛落下帷幕,在收官战男 单决赛中,中国选手林丹在(16-21/21-13/20-17)领先的时候, 收到老对手李宗伟的退赛大礼,成就了世锦赛五冠王的伟 业。持外卡出战的超级丹,成功宣告王者归来。 If you go t


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