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斯威夫特的杰作《格列佛游记》 ( Gulliver‘s Travels )He typified the bourgeois world, drew ruthless picture of the depraved artistically portrayed the whole of English state system.(page168) 作者用丰富的讽刺手法和虚构幻想的离奇情节,深刻的剖析了当时的英国社会现实. 主要情节及对应寓意: (1)描写Lilliput的党派之争以鞋跟高低划分阵营,“高跟党”和“低跟党”尔虞我诈,争权夺利,实际上是挖苦英国两个争斗不休的政党(Whigs and Tories)。讲述小人国利里浦特与邻国兵戎相见,是影射当时英法两国之间的连年征战。作者描写了小人国王国中最高的职位要通过跳绳(不是以人的能力品德)来决定,谁跳得最高,谁就能获得最高的职位,实际上反映了当时的英国由教会和君主占统治地位,平常人难以凭真才实学获得其应有的地位。 (2)在Brobdingnag,则是另一种社会制度,作者将它描写成一个理想的、有教化的君主政体,国王也较贤明正直,这反映出作者心目中的一种比英国社会制度更理想的社会制度。通过大人国国王对格列佛所描述的英国情况的批评,揭露出英国的社会制度绝对不像格列佛对国王所说的那样理想。作者借大人国的国王之口,尖锐地指出,英国所发生的一系列历史事件“只不过是一连串的阴谋,叛乱,谋杀,屠杀和清洗而已,而产生的结果便是贪婪,派系争夺,虚伪,背信弃义,残忍,强暴,疯狂,仇恨和野心。”充分暴露了所谓上等人物的丑恶本质。大人国国王对英国如此喜好战争也表示出极大的憎恶,这实际上也是作者借大人国国王之口来谴责战争带给人民的恶果。 接下来是飞岛国和慧骃国 * 格列弗游记 斯威夫特以幽默丰富了作品的道德含义,以讽刺揭露荒诞,并通过人物性格和叙述框架使人难以置信的事件成为现实,即使《鲁滨逊漂流记》也难以在叙述的刻薄性和多样性方面与其媲美。 ——(英)司各特 The outline When Gulliver sets off from London on a sea voyage, little does he know the many incredible and unbelievable misadventures awaiting him. Shipwrecked at sea and nearly drowned, he washes ashore upon an exotic island called Lilliput-where the people are only six inches tall! Next he visits a land of incredible giants called Brobdingnag. They are more than sixty feet tall! He travels to Laputa, a city that floats in the sky. His final voyage brings to the Houyhnhnms. Part1:a Voyage to Lilliput During his first voyage, Gulliver was washed ashore after a shipwreck and finds himself a prisoner of a race of tiny people, After giving assurances of his good behaviors, he was given a residence in Lilliputian and becoming a favorite of the court. Gulliver assisted the Lilliputians to subdue their neighbors, by stealing their fleet. However, he refused to destroy them. So he was displeasing the King and the court. Gulliver was charged with treason and sentenced to be blinded. With the assistance of a kind friend, he sailed out to be rescued by a passing ship which takes


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