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Part 2 1. Describe an interesting person you met recently. The person I want to describe is Kevin, who I happened to know through a phone call. I planned to travel to Australia half a year ago, and I asked one of my friends for any suggestions about the trip. She gave me a number about a manager of certain travel agency. Yes, the manager is Kevin. By the first sight, to tell the truth, I was a little bit shocked by his appearance: a Gothic-styled dressing. Given that he painted his skin white, he even could act as a vampire. We chose a billiard hall to have our first meet and began to play the 8-ball pool. After kicking off, I started to consult him questions about how to get the visa? Where to visit in Australia? What’s the cost of the trip? And so forth. He replied slowly with aiming at the cue ball in front of him, then by knocking the ball, he would raise up his voice to give me the anwsers. And when he scored, a word of YES would follow his introduction, while if his cue ball was potted, he would murmur about this shot and then changed to a normal voice to answer my questions. Although he seemed a bit like a nerd except for his dressing, I was thoroughly impressed by his omniscient knowledge about traveling. That’s why now he becomes one of my friends in my life, and I later even enjoy the experience of playing pool with this guy. And as a friend, he also brings me some souvenirs when he travelled to other places and told me some stories happened during his trip. 2. Describe a very old person you know and respect. The old person I want to describe is Deng Xiaoping, the ex-leader of People Republic of China. I think the whole China and Chinese people will remember this name for his Reform and opening up policy enacted in the year of 1980. Although he appeared to be stout and short, he led China to keep up pace with the world. Before 1980s, in the year of my parents, they could never imagined what the world looks like. More precisely, people at that time tr


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