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江苏省仪征中学2016届高三英语周三练习(十二) 选题:周云峰 彭发 审题:万海燕 2016-12-9 第节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)Three packs of cigarettes were lying there on the pavement. I went down from Shubentsov’s office doorstep, picked them up and pocketed them. Later, in a bar, when I opened the first pack, I found – to my 36 – the twenty cigarettes were there. I’m still at the bar, telephone in one 37 and the cigarettes in the other. I’m dialing Shubentsov, who told me to call the moment I felt the urge to 38 . I feel it, feel it even 39 than I felt Shubentsov’s healing energy. That’s saying something, since Shubentsov is known around the world for 40 smokers of their nasty habit, using a 41 method. He sent his healing energy from his fingertips, he tells me – something he picked up from another man in Russia. “I help you for free,” he told me in his muddy accent. “Just call me 42 .” I went to see Shubentsov. I think it’s time to 43 because I’m getting old, and I can’t keep doing this to myself. But here’s the real problem. I should quit, but like a lot of you 44 with the same habit, I really don’t want to. Smoking has been very good to me. Cigarettes have never let me down, never abandoned me on 45 , desperate nights. Smoking 46 my head, helps me 47 . Smoking has started conversations, driven away annoying people. Smoking helps me celebrate victories, get over losses, comfort the comfortless. It also chases away the mosquitoes. I will 48 . Soon, my body and my mind are demanding that , daily. I claim to smoke for pleasure, but I realise that slowly I’m losing control of this close, special friend. I 49 that. I realise it’s not just a “habit”. I’m 50 . So here I am, attempting to 51 again, at Shubentsov’s place. I’ve tried all the other quitting techniques 52 . Anytime the urge to smoke 53 , he said, just call him immediately and he’ll help. The funny thing is, I realise that I’m not phoning him to s


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