江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Integrated skills课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Integrated skills课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Integrated skills课件 (新版)牛津版

1. 作为一个尖子生,不要在意那些嘲笑你的人。 (pay attention to) As a top student, don’t pay any attention to the persons who laugh at you 2. 他刚刚回答了我的问题。 (reply to =answer) He has just replied to my questions. 3.老师没有告诉我在数学课上做什么。(what to do) The teacher didn’t tell me what to do in Maths lessons. 4.你应当为你的学习感到骄傲。 (be proud of ) You should be proud of your study. * Integrated skills Teenage Problems 9A Unit 3 Knowledge : To get information from a student profile. To get information from a conversation. To write notes about a student profile. Learn to share problems and give advice 2. Ability: To develop students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 3. Emotion: Encourage students to face problems bravely and correctly and to be happy, lively teenagers. Teaching Aims As a teenager, we have problems from time to time … Have a look at the following pictures. Can you guess what problems do they have? Warm up He doesn’t have__________________ to do his homework. So much homework , I have to stay up late. enough time He doesn’t have________________. I feel tired . I am so sleepy. enough sleep She doesn’t have_______________. I’m so lonely close friends He has no time for________________. I’m crazy about football, but I have to do my homework. his hobbies All her classmates _____________her. All my classmates call me a bookworm. I feel so bad. laugh at I really enjoy eating. I’m fat but I hate exercising. He is not _____________sports. good at Do you have the same problems as these students? Can you share some with your classmates? Nora’s information a grade 9 student □ one of the top students □ love English, Maths and □ Chemistry always gets high marks □ in exams not very good at sports □ has many friends □ √ √ √ A1 Listen to the tape. Tick the correct information you hear about Nora. √ √ 1. Her name is Nora. She is a Grade 9 student. 4. She is one of the ______



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