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中国古典十大名曲 平沙落雁 逸士胸怀鸿鹄之志——《平沙落雁》 据说《平沙落雁》是近三百年来流传最广的古琴曲,现存的琴谱就达五十余种。 《平沙落雁》最早的版本载于明代崇祯七年(1634)刊印的《古音正宗》。《古音正宗》这样解题《平沙落雁》: 逸士胸怀鸿鹄之志——《平沙落雁》 “盖取其秋高气爽,风静沙平,云程万里,天际飞鸣。借鸿鸪之远志,写逸士之心胸也。……通体节奏凡三起三落。初弹似鸿雁来宾,极云霄之缥缈,序雁行以和鸣,倏隐倏显,若往若来。其欲落也,回环顾盼,空际盘旋;其将落也,息声斜掠,绕洲三匝,其既落也,此呼彼应,三五成群,飞鸣宿食,得所适情:子母随而雌雄让,亦能品焉。” 借鸿鸪之远志,写逸士之心胸 孔子云:“天下有道则见,无道则隐。” 孟子曰:“穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。” “大隐隐于朝,中隐隐于市,小隐隐于野” 。 从这个角度来看,《平沙落雁》的曲中之音和曲外之意,包涵了对怀才不遇而欲取功名者的励志,和对因言获罪而退隐山林者的慰藉。 8. The Legalist school Han Fei Han Fei (280—233 B.C.), a native of the State of Han and a former student of Xun Zi, synthesized the thoughts of the Legalist School of the pre-Qin period. 《韩非子·奸劫弑臣》 夫安利者就之, 危害者去之, 此人之情也。 《韩非子·备内》 医善吮人之伤, 含人之血, 非骨肉之亲也, 利所加也。 故舆人成舆, 则欲人之富贵; 匠人成棺, 则欲人之夭死也。 非舆人仁而匠人贼也, 人不贵则舆不售, 人不死则棺不买。 情非憎人也, 利在人之死也。 The thoughts of Han Fei Han Fei’s entire work is collected in Han Feizi, a book containing 55 chapters. Han Fei adopted and developed a progressive social and historical view put forward by earlier legalists (Shang Yang, for instance) and further proposed his notions of social development and historical evolution. He pointed out that “one does not have to follow ancient practices in order to govern” and “as conditions in the world change, different principles should be applied accordingly.” 《韩非子》 治世不法古 世异则事异, 事异则备变。 The thoughts of Han Fei His doctrines served as the theoretical basis for the State of Qin’s unification of China and the establishment of a feudal and autocratic empire. The thoughts of Han Fei He also held that the impetus of social development lies in the material foundation and inner conflicts of the society. Han Fei’s idea of ruling a state involves three concepts: fa (the laws), shu (techniques) and shi (power). An intelligent ruler must have shu (techiques) to carry out fa (laws), and he must have shi (power) to use the techniques and enforce the laws. Fa, above all, is the most fundamental concept of the three, though they are complementary in function. 《韩非子》 凡治天下必因人情。 人情者有好恶, 故赏罚可用。


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