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3-* Sourcing: Role in the Competitive Strategy Sourcing decisions are crucial because they affect the level of efficiency and responsiveness in a supply chain In-house vs. outsource decisions- improving efficiency and responsiveness Example 3.6: Cisco 3-* Components of Sourcing Decisions In-house versus outsource decisions Supplier evaluation and selection Procurement process Overall trade-off: Increase the supply chain profits 3-* Pricing Role in the supply chain Role in the competitive strategy Components of pricing decisions 3-* Pricing: Role in the Supply Chain Pricing determines the amount to charge customers in a supply chain Pricing strategies can be used to match demand and supply 3-* Sourcing: Role in the Competitive Strategy Firms can utilize optimal pricing strategies to improve efficiency and responsiveness Low price and low product availability; vary prices by response times Example 3.7: A 3-* Components of Pricing Decisions Pricing and economies of scale Everyday low pricing versus high-low pricing Fixed price versus menu pricing Overall trade-off: Increase the firm profits 3-* Obstacles to Achieving Strategic Fit Increasing variety of products Decreasing product life cycles Increasingly demanding customers Fragmentation of supply chain ownership Globalization Difficulty executing new strategies 3-* Summary What are the major drivers of supply chain performance? What is the role of each driver in creating strategic fit between supply chain strategy and competitive strategy (or between implied demand uncertainty and supply chain responsiveness)? What are the major obstacles to achieving strategic fit? In the remainder of the course, we will learn how to make decisions with respect to these drivers in order to achieve strategic fit and surmount these obstacles Copyright ? 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. Copyright ? 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. Copyright ? 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishi


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