现代派文学 Modern poets.ppt

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现代派文学 Modern poets

Introduction to 20th Century Literature I. Historical Background 1. Two world wars -- direct result of the conflicts between rival imperialist countries and their ambition to dominate the world -- deprived hundred millions of people’s lives -- literature in the 20th century: literature between the two world wars (Modernism), and literature after World War II (Postmodernism) 2. Conflicts between old and new values -- departure from the conventional or established values -- affected by the sickness of fin de siecle(世纪末), and sped up by the World War I -- sense of alienation and loneliness 3. Testing of religious faith --skepticism and disillusionment (sense of nada) -- a chaotic world, a land of spiritual and emotional sterility -- helpless before an incomprehensible world 4. Women’s rights 5. Interest in human psychology 6. Openness about sexuality II. Cultural Background 1. The theory of evolution by Darwin --It reveals that humans had an animal, rather than divine or rational, nature. 2.The theory of socialism by Marx --It shows that history was based on class conflict and that the vast majority of workers were controlled by a small group of people who owned the means of production and distribution. 3.Theory of Relativity by Einstein --It provides new ideas to concepts of time and space. 4.The theory of Psycho-analysis by Freud 1) Levels of mental life --Conscious ?Speech level ?Pre-speech level --Unconscious ?Individual unconscious ?Collective unconscious 2) Structures of the mind --Ego --Id --Superego 3) Motivation-dynamics --Instincts ?Life Instinct (Love) ?Death Instinct (Destructive) --Oedipus Complex --Electra Complex --Anxiety --Repression --All human actions are determined by libido (sexual desire) which people subconsciously suppress. 5. Irrational philosophy --Rational philoso


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