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正文区的首行是三级标题。右下角是退回细分目录页的返还按钮。这一层次的页面未设与主目录页及其他一级标题页的链接是避免过多的层次显示。 * 此页是一级标题页(4)。 正文区内是二级标题及其链接。 右下角是与主目录页及其他一级标题页的链接按钮。W=Warm up B=Background T=Text analysis R=Reinforcement 放大的圆圈表示目前正在操作的部分。 * Where is story 2 set? Why such a setting? Why do you think Lord Dunsany wrote stories 1 and 2? What if he directly started story 3 without bothering about stories 1 and 2? What is Mustache’s view on war? Why was the first minister removed from office? What’s your view on modern warfare? How does a small country ensure its position and power? Detailed Analysis Text Analysis Part II: Main Idea What is your opinion on WMD (weapons of mass destruction)? What caused Carasirra’s death? Was Carasirra afraid of death? And why? What was Mustache’s attitude toward executing Carasirra? Would you execute Carasirra if you were Mustache? Should scientists work for use or for wonder? How did the story end? Detailed Analysis Text Analysis Part II: Main Idea Text Analysis Detailed Analysis ...a certain look in his eyes that made me wonder if he might not have something interesting to tell. (para. 5) Paraphrasing: Somehow the way the man looked made me feel that this man probably had something interesting to tell. Part II: Sentence Paraphrase Text Analysis Detailed Analysis War is no longer a matter of armies; it depends on the intelligence of scientists. (para. 6) Paraphrasing: Modern wars do not depend on how big an army you have. The number of troops are no longer decisive. You depend more and more on high-tech, which means you depend more and more on the intelligence of scientists. . Part II: Sentence Paraphrase Text Analysis Detailed Analysis We had to get rid of him in order to fulfill our just aspirations. (para. 12) Paraphrasing: We had to remove him from office to achieve our just goals. . Part II: Sentence Paraphrase We knew that we had marvelous powers within our grasp, if only Carasierra could be kept a


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