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Unit 7 People Objectives: 1 Understand descriptions of famous personalities and their achievements 2 Follow discussions of cause and effect, advantages and disadvantages 3 Make inferences 4 Summarize main ideas and supporting details Keys 1) Because he wrote an astonishing member of books. 2) Mankind would have to create a world state. 3) No. 4) Cities were destroyed by bombs dropped from aero planes. 5) Any two of the following: The War in the Air, The First Men in the Moon, The Time Machine, and The Invisible Man. 6) Events forecast in Well’s books might come true. Keys A. 1) b 2) c 3) c 4) a B. 1) tall; narrow; large; tousled 2) surveyed; half-closed 3) taking a long stride 4) capable; flexible; still life 5) faded; frayed 6) tilted his head; smiled; walked forward; with a flourish Keys A. 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) F 6) T 7) F 8) T B. 1) dramatic sunsets and sunrises 2) 1830s, 1840s, impressionistic 3) reds, oranges, 1820 Task 5 Nobel Peace Prize: 1964 Martin Luther King Jr. 1991 Aung San Sun Kyi (缅甸女政治家) 争取民主和人权的非暴力斗争 1993 Nelson Mandela (南非黑人领袖) 2000 Kim Dae-Jung (韩国前总统)促成朝鲜与韩国两方领导人会面,增进朝鲜半岛与东亚和平 2001 Kofi A. Annan (前联合国秘书长, 加纳) 为更有组织与和平的世界做出的努力 2004 Wangari Maathai (肯尼亚)为可持续发展、民主与和平作出的贡献 2009 Barack Obama 其致力于加强国际世界外交和世界人民之间的合作所做的非凡努力 Keys A Nobel Peace Prize; twelfth; first Peace on earth depends on our ability to secure our living environment. Green Belt Movement Kenyan 64 The United States; Kenya; earn a doctorate degree Animal science Environment, natural resources and wildlife Keys B 1977; plant trees; all over Africa; thirty million; seeds; nurseries; communities; planting; taking care of the trees; survives; fuel. Keys I. A. Norway B. the United States II. A. a lack of balance, inflation, recession B. low interest rates increased government spending, higher interest rates C. low employment ,


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