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Key: The old woman under arrest was a child trafficker. A policewoman had a chat with the little orphan living with the woman. The orphan said that the old woman had treated him like her own son since she found him on the street and brought him home. He knew nothing of her crime. He had thought she was the kindest person in existence. 正文区的首行是三级标题。右下角是退回细分目录页的返还按钮。这一层次的页面未设与主目录页及其他一级标题页的链接是避免过多的层次显示。 * * * Key: 1. By mistake Gertrude drank the poisonous wine prepared by Claudius for Hamlet. 2. The woman talking to Gatsby is Daisy. 3. The teacher looked in surprise at the student pointing a finger at him. 4. Books borrowed and taken home by readers must be returned within one month. 此页是一级标题页(4)。 正文区内是二级标题及其链接。 右下角是与主目录页及其他一级标题页的链接按钮。W=Warm up B=Background T=Text analysis R=Reinforcement 放大的圆圈表示目前正在操作的部分。 * Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Part III: Exercise 1 Combine the two sentences, using the “with” pattern as adverbial. Hester Prynn walked in shame. The scarlet letter “A” was embroidered on the breast of her dress. Buck lay down at his master’s foot. He put his head on his front legs. Tess ran towards Angel happily. Her long hair flew in the air behind her. 答案见备注栏 Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Part III: Exercise 2 Translate the following sentences into English, using words in the brackets. 被捕的老太太是个人贩子(arrest)。一个小孤儿与她住在一起,女警员和她聊了会儿(chat)。小孤儿说自打老太太在街上看到他并把他带回家,便像对待亲生儿子一样待他(treat) 。他对老太太的罪行一无所知(know)。小孤儿还以为她是世界上最善良的人(existence)。 答案见备注栏 Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Part IV: Main Idea Why did Bob’s hand tremble? Why couldn’t Jimmy arrest Bob himself? What do you think of Jimmy as a policeman? And as a friend? Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Part IV: Sentence Paraphrase The man from the West unfolded the little piece of paper handed to him. (para. 32) participle as post modifier E.g.: a book bought today, a baby crying for milk, etc. unfold: to open or spread out Note: The prefix “un” might changes some verbs into their antonyms. Text Ana


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