电脑病毒介绍 computer virus.ppt

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电脑病毒介绍 computer virus

COMPUTER VIRUS樊 丹 Computer Virus Computer virus (Computer Virus) , a group of computer instructions or program code, can destroy the destruction or data of computer, impact the use of computer, and self reproduct inserted in the code by computer programmer. Features Computer viruses have transmission sex, concealment, infection, latent, excitability, performance or destructive. The life cycle of computer virus : development period, infection period, incubation period, outbreak period, found period, digestion period, extinction period. Types According to the infection object, there are leading type, file type, mixed type, macro viruses. Object file type virus mainly attack COM and EXE executable file. According to the destructive,it is divided into benign virus and malignant virus. In accordance with the approach of virus invading program intrusion system, a computer virus can be divided into the following four types: - the operating system type: the most common viruses, and harm is also the largest. - shell type: the virus mainly hide around the main legal procedures, and is very easy to write. It is also easy to check and remove. - invasion of type: destroying the original program. The preparation is difficult. - source type: The preparation of this program is difficult, once inserted, the devastating. Principle Virus attach storage medium, such as floppy disk or hard disk to constitute the source of infection. The transmission media of the virus is determined by the work environment. Work Reactivation of virus is to set the virus in memory, and set the trigger conditions. Trigger condition is diverse that can be a clock, the system date, user identifier, also be a communication system and so on. When the conditions are ripe, virus begin to self replicate to infectious objects and all kinds of destroying activities etc.. Protection Against When programs or data mysteriously disappeared or the file name not recognizable and so


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