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Words’ Translation and Context Pre-task In NPCCPPCC( the national people’s congress and Chinese people’s political consultative conference) this year, Lu Xinhua, the speaker of CPPCC, adopted the word “任性” to reply the question of anti-corruption, which aroused a hot discussion in translation area. Try to translate the following sentence and compare it with Zhang’s version, then discuss the advantages and shortcomings of Zhang’s version. Lu: 大家都支持,有老虎的话,把他拉出来,大家都很任性。在这一点上,没有分歧。 Zhang: I should say, the Party, the government, and the general public actually adopt the same attitude when it comes to anti-corruption. So we can be said to be capricious fighting against corruption, and we are entitled to be so. 任性:unruly, headstrong, self-willed, capricious We are determined to carry through the anti-corruption campaign. From this discussion, we know that Chinese words and English words are not corresponding one to one. When doing translation, we should consider the context again and again. semantic comparison between CE 1. word for word correspondence bus 公共汽车 airport 机场 taxi 出租车 chemistry 化学 2. semantic partly corresponding cat: she is an old cat. 她是个脾气很坏的老太婆。 she is a cat. 她是个心地狠毒的女人。 3. semantically different (部分或完全不对应) Commuter 局长,所长,主任 1. Context 1) the context of something consists of the ideas, situations, events, or information that relate to it and make it possible to understand it fully. (2) if something is seen in context or if it is put into context, it is considered with all the factors that are related to it rather than just being considered on its own, so that it can be properly understood. 所谓语境,即语言的交际环境。最早提出语境理论的是伦敦经济学院人类学教授马林诺夫斯基(Malinowski),他把语境分为三类,即 语言语境(词、句、段等构成的上下文linguistic context) 情景语境(语篇产生的环境,即交际情境situational context, The relevant features of the participants, the relevant topics including objects, events, and non-linguistic, non-human events are all parts of the situational context.) 文化语境(即语篇涉


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