第六章 认知学.ppt

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第六章 认知学

Chapter Six Language and Cognition 1. What is Cognition? In psychology COGNITION is used to refer to the mental processes (心理过程)of an individual , with particular relation to a view that argues that the mind(心智) has internal states and can be understood in terms of information processing Another loose definition of “Cognition” is the mental process or faculty of knowing, including awareness(意识), perception (感知), reasoning (推理), and judgment (判断). The formal approach: structural patterns, including the study of morphological, syntactic, and lexical structure. The psychological approach: looks at language from the view of general systems ranging from perception(感知), memory, attention, and reasoning. The conceptual approach(概念认知法): how language structures(构建) (processes patterns) conceptual content. Outline of Chapter 6 6.1 What is Cognition? 6.2 What is Psycholinguistics? 6.2.1 Language Acquisition 6.2.2 Language Comprehension 6.2.3 Language Production 6.3 What is Cognitive Linguistics? 6.3.1 Construal and Construal Operations 6.3.2 Categorization 6.3.3 Image Schemas 6.3.4 Metaphor 6.3.5 Metonymy 6.3.6 Blending Theory 2. Psycholinguistics PSYCHOLINGUISTICS is the study of psychological aspects of language; it usually studies the psychological states and mental activity associated with the use of language. Psychologists investigate the relationship between language and thought, a perennial subject of debate being whether language is a function of thinking or thought a function of the use of language. Psychologists is also concerned with how languages are learned, and the role they play in our thinking. Related fields As an interdisciplinary study of language and psychology, psycholinguistcis has its roots in structural linguistics on the one hand, and in cognitive psychology on the other hand. It is also closely related to a set of other disciplines such a


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