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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 IBT阅读材料:用果汁服药并不科学 生病吃药并不是件让人愉快的事,那么,用甜蜜的果汁送服药丸是 不是就能把吃药变得更美好呢?或许这能让很多人心里好受些,不过在 身体上却会遭受一些损失。因为一些果汁会影响药物的作用。 Grapefruit, orange and apple juices can harm the bodys ability to absorb certain medications and make the drugs less effective, said a Canadian study released last week in the United States. 上周在美国发表的一篇加拿大研究报告指出,柚子汁、橙汁、苹果 汁会损害身体吸收某些药物的功能,从而降低药物的功效。 The research showed that these juices can decrease the effectiveness of certain drugs used to treat heart disease, cancer, organ-transplant rejection and infection, potentially wiping out their beneficial effects, it said. 此研究表明,这些果汁会降低某些治疗心脏病、癌症、以及器官移 植排斥和传染的药物的效力,并潜在抵消药物有益的作用。 David Bailey, a professor of clinical pharmacology with the University of Western Ontario and leader of the study, was the first researcher to identify grapefruit juices potential to increase the absorption of certain drugs two decades ago, possibly turning some doses toxic. 这次研究的负责人,西安大略大学的临床药理学专家大卫·贝利 ,已 于两十年前首次证实了柚子汁可能会增加某种药物的吸收,并可能形成 一些有毒的物质。 The new findings came as part of his continuing research on the subject, and were presented at the 236th annual meeting of the American Chemical Society on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 这个新的发现作为他在这个专题持续研究的一部分 ,在宾夕法尼亚 州费城的美国化学协会第236届的年会上发表。 Recently, we discovered that grapefruit and these other fruit juices substantially decrease the oral absorption of certain drugs undergoing intestinal uptake transport, AFP quoted Bailey as saying. “最近,我们发现柚子汁和其他果汁大大地减少了某些口服药物在 肠道内摄入转移的量。”支持贝利的AFP如是说。 The concern is loss of benefit of medications essential for the treatment of serious medical conditions. “真正的担忧是药物失去了其对于治疗某些严重病情的本质疗效。 ” Healthy volunteers took fexofenadine, an antihistamine used to fight allergies, along with either a glass of grapefruit juice, a glass of water with naringin (which gives the bitter taste to grapefruit juice), or plain water. 健康的志愿


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