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Collaborative Education between Staffordshire University and Chengdu University of Technology Parent Handbook Welcome 欢迎词 Dear parents, 尊敬的家长, Congratulations on your son or daughter taking up a place on our Collaborative Education Programme between Chengdu University of Technology here in China and Staffordshire University (SU-CDUT) in the UK. 诚挚欢迎您的孩子到成都理工大学与英国斯泰福厦大学合作办学项目 (简称“中英合作办学项目”) 进行大学阶段的学习。 As you aware your son or daughter will spend two thirds of his or her time studying content delivered and assessed exclusively in English. The first year is spent developing academic and language skills required for University study in English whilst the courses in the following two years are identical in nature to those studied in the UK. Our programme adopts not only the teaching content from Staffordshire University but also the professional academic management standards which underpin the high quality of UK education. These high standards mean that on successful completion your son or daughter will receive not only a diploma from Chengdu University of Technology, but also a Diploma in Higher Education from Staffordshire University. If he or she wishes to continue their studies overseas, successful completion of this course guarantees entry onto the final year of the degree programme at Staffordshire University. It is also possible to transfer to the appropriate level after the successful completion of any year of the course. 您或已了解,在中英合作办学项目的学习中,三分之二的课程都是采用全英文授课和测评。第一年 将主要培养英国大学所要求的学术和语言能力,接下来两年的课程则与在英学生所学课程一致。中 英合作办学项目不仅采用英国斯泰福厦大学的教学内容,而且执行专业的学术管理标准,以保障高 质量的英国教育。这些高标准意味着,在成功完成所有课程后,您的孩子将分别获得由成都理工大 学颁发的专科文凭,和由英国斯泰福厦大学颁发的高级文凭。如果您的孩子希望继续出国深造,那 么只要顺利完成所有课程,就可以转学到英国斯泰福厦大学攻读最后一年学士学位的课程。事实上, 在顺利完成任何一年的课程后,学生都可以申请转到英国斯泰福厦大学进行下一阶段的学习。此外, 在满足国内专


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